Monday, March 30, 2009

Williams Jet Engines Fj44

Simon says ...

After 6 months from Permanent Resident and the previous six months of Working Holiday Visa, I have a vision, some superficial given the short residence time in this country. I can not disagree with Mario on what they say in Italy, although I still remain proud Italian . But I will not list the reasons for leaving Italy, everyone has a very different view of things, dependent on where and as lives. Canada is a wonderful country, rich in natural beauty, the people here are friendly, there is a high respect for the next. The houses are beautiful, all villas listed terraced garden with perfect and tidy. The summer you can smell the scent of barbecue and birds, of all races and colors, that hum on every corner. Ontario is full of squirrels, and it is great to see them play with a hazelnut just stolen! The roads are huge, straight and clean. The traffic is orderly, all respect the highway code. Public transport work perfectly, the metro during rush hour passes exactly every minute. The bus always passes at the same time, traffic or traffic, do not wait no more than an average of 7 minutes !
stores are large, efficient, and if you buy something and you regret giving new and I brought her back all the money, you a month of time to regret it. Gasoline costs very little, the cars are great and super -equipped accommodation at affordable prices for average salaries.
But like every coin there is another face. Well the thing that seems obvious is that: Canada is Italy . Certainly it might seem theory of the obvious, but it has a meaning this clarification. Like any immigrant who changed the country, compared with just happens daily. This is one of that all errors facciamo e che è impossibile da evitare. Il Canada è un paese freddo , ma non solo per il clima, le persone sono diverse da noi. Qui non ci sono i veri amici, puoi conoscere tanta gente, ma nessuno si fiderà mai completamente l'uno dell'altro. Le persone si conoscono all' 80% sul posto di lavoro. Le più grosse popolazioni in Canada sono cinesi ed indiane. I cinesi sono una popolazione veramente chiusa e conservatrice, stanno sempre tra di loro, sono gentili quanto basta ma il saluto al mattino non è dovuto . Anche se cerchi di socializzare con loro ti accorgi che comunque ti lasciano ad un passo perchè non appartieni alla loro cultura. Hanno i loro supermercati, le loro banche, negozi e via dicendo tutti in cinese! Io mi sono " sentita " cacciar fuori da un negozio di abbigliamento in un quartiere cinese, solo perchè caucasica. Ma alla fine ti dici che puoi vivere anche senza. 
In nord-America tutto è spinto dai soldi, senza un lavoro ed una buona carta di credito davvero sei nessuno. 
Per uno spirito avventuriero come me la cosa che più mi è pesata qui...e mi pesa ancora è l' ipotecare un anno della mia vita! Mi spiego, se vuoi fare un abbonamento o qualcosa di simile è tutto a scadenza annuale ,   not refundable . L'abbonamento del telefonino: almeno 2 anni. La TV/Internet at least 1 year. The gym at least a year, the apartment at least a year. Really if you change your mind you could be forced to pay in full all year !
Another difference is the hardest for me to " digest" the food! You can buy oregano, parsley, bread, everything that you need, but has no smell, no taste, fat and preservatives are everywhere. Fresh milk lasts at least 2 weeks! Even the Italian restaurants are not the same thing, inevitably have " Americanized" the menu to accommodate a broader clientele, it must be said that many Chinese owners have ...
In Toronto, the human relations are very rare, people do not attend, you do not cultivate friendships. I met people 25 years, born and lived here with no friends, or at 1 / 2 former university colleagues. For an Italian is really abnormal the thing, at least for me that I southern blood. E 'culture that parents, when one of their children finish the school, they expect to go away. Mom and Dad do not pay your university, here are a loan called student-loan you graduate, start working and you repay the loan that you have done for your study.
back to say that this is my superficiale visione dell'Ontario e di Toronto, ma mi son trovata concorde anche con altri italiani che, come me, hanno lasciato il belpaese per la terra dell'acero. Rimango comunque sempre dell'idea che per opportunità lavorative e stile di vita , questo è un paese ideale dove crescere i propri figli.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Where To Buy Nasal Cream

Rent a house

Dopo settimane di assenza riprendo trattando di un argomento che, nella maggior parte dei casi, interessa tutti gli immigranti in generale: l’affitto di una casa. Parto dalla distinzione tra casa, condo , basement e rental property. Those who decide to rent a house, with garden and garage, it's usually because they prefer to live in the suburbs, in a quiet residential area, very fascinating for those who love this lifestyle. The downsides are few certain: sweep the snow from the driveway (required), taking out the trash on specific days and respecting the timetable. a basement can be considered part of a house, they usually are with separate entrances and many of utilities are shared with the owners of the house, at 90%, live upstairs. There are pros and cons to living in a basement . The advantages are: reduced prices , Ability to share a garden and fresh air, and space to drive the car on the way. Disadvantages: low light, since it is a basement, large moisture species during the winter months, possible hosts " annoying." As for the condo are the maximum that the rent for an apartment can give differing obvious from building to building. Typically, a condo includes all utilities as: light (called hydro), gas, water, heating, included in the price of rent, the apartment has a full kitchen, washer, dryer, refrigerator , dishwasher and microwave. I benefits of the condo are just that: have everything included, no surprises on the bill later this month. The disadvantages are generally: higher prices and parking not included. a rental property is a kind of condominium apartment but unlike the second, there is an owner (landlord) who decides to rent it, but it is an agency that owns the building and rent several apartments annually. In a rental property is not possible to buy apartments for which, all buildings are renters (tenants). The essential difference is that the condo is not equipped with utilities, that in most cases, you can also find buildings with accessory apartments. Usually the so-called facilities are in the basement of the building, washer and dryer, then spending more each month. Many condo rental properties and many have a gym inside the building, swimming pool, sauna, squash courts or similar things, a room for parties, a recreation room with pool table, room with couches and tables for meetings, often many condo has a rooftop garden with gazebo and kind of space accessible to those who want to give a small party with barbecue attached. A building that offers all these utilities, usually located in downtown, where apartment prices have very different numbers than in the periphery. Passing all’affitto vero e proprio di una casa/appartamento c’è da dire che qui l’illegalità degli affitti a nero non esiste neanche tra gli italiani trapiantati da anni in Canada! Addirittura è possibile scaricare da qui lo statuto dell’affittuario, con diritti e doveri per entrambi le parti. Se vi accingete ad affittare un condo, dovrete rispettare alcune caratteristiche essenziali per la maggioranza dei landords : avere un lavoro, una credit history positiva , presentare delle referenze. Qualunque casa o appartamento o condo decidiate di affittare c’è una cosa che si dovrebbe sempre fare: trattare il prezzo di affitto . A meno che non the case of rental property, where prices are set by an agency for which no " negotiable." Like many things here in Canada, usually rent a house has annually, prompted the first and last month's rent, and if the tenant decided to continue staying in the apartment even after year contract expires, the landlord has an obligation to pay him interest on the deposit paid in months. When you rent a house remember to always read the lease and require the cleaning of the curtains and, if necessary. There are several sites available online where to search the house, I suggest, as always, Craigslist.