Today the public of information about one of my readers. Bureaucratic details are not for a life in Canada, but equally interesting and useful:
Hi, I introduce myself: my name is Gianluca
Raffa and a psychologist and psychotherapist in the province of Avellino.
For my training, I traveled a lot, especially in Canada.
In October 2007, thanks to a scholarship at the University '' La Sapienza "for further training abroad, I left for Toronto where I was lucky enough to attend school for eight months in the course "Advanced Psychology of Lisle Greenberg Professor in the Department of Psychology at York University.
Since then, I never left Canada and returned to Toronto every year for training and work and I think sooner or later I will fix 'them' permanently.
For several months the consultant psychologist on an online site that deals with solidarity 'international
I run the following entry in the phonebook PSYCHOLOGICAL HELP.
you subscribe to my forum on Socialidarity, then you will have the opportunity 'to receive 5 counseling gratuite via email o via Skype, con un focus specifico sulle emozioni, motivazioni e aspettative che accompagnano la coraggiosa scelta di chi ha deciso di cambiare vita, lasciare l'Italia e partire alla volta della meravigliosa avventura Nordamericana.
Good luck,
dott. Gianluca Raffa