Simona Manetti Interview: The advice of a woman over 40 super sprint Simona Manetti was born as a degree in philosophy with the idea of \u200b\u200ba psychologist. A dream in reality not true: having to work, it ends up in a small advertising company, where he learns the job, but understand that computer skills and the demands are not for her.
After significant experience in research and selection of staff at agencies, he realizes that you can not do without first consulting having worked in the company. Then comes their experiences at major food companies, beginning at a certain time, then with a real recruitment.
discovers that even within highly competitive environments such as multi-national team you can work with in harmony with people who hold positions similar. The
are given the opportunity to develop international projects, to set up a real "corporate university" for which he began to travel throughout Europe.
step from there to the collaboration with universities was short. She worked at Bocconi, initially on a project to study a model for the orientation of university students at the time of, then for the international development of the university brand.
Eager to change course, return to the original passion, which can decline with their experience at the University Vita-Salute San Raffaele University in Milan: the model applied to education it provided that the physician should also be a psychologist, who are studied not only medicine but also psychology and philosophy.
After this important experience, decides to escape by bureaucracy and internal power struggles that hinder the initiative and to go it alone. Films it all in by hand and advice. Decided to focus on the talent and the problem of bullying.
Today we meet.
Hello Mrs. Manetti is a pleasure to talk with her, because of the time it devotes to it. Hello and thank you!
What is working now? continue my work as a consultant as HR manager, I appeal especially to young people and carries out research and personnel selection. In my free time I
the teacher and are fond of dogs, non-verbal communication and cross cultural management.
told us that she started her own in mid-2008. E'soddisfatta economically? As for all this is not a good time. Fortunately I worked so hard before, so we wonder if you really need a high income so or if we can afford to look at the quality of life, forgoing revenue to gain more health. Today
gain less, it is undeniable, but I do not need much more.
If the delta is such that the stress is too much, then you might as well change.
Working within a company from security and money, but what you asked for it?
In 46 years I could relocate to company or university, but cost much and are not "easy to manage." The head is the idea.
A 33 year old is young, it must be experienced, but when you are most adults are not sure that it's worth it.
does not make sense without being assumed that there is a real project on the person, an adequate budget to carry out projects level.
must not enter the company indefinitely. You must understand what is going to do and with whom you work.
Looking at his work, she has chosen to focus. Consiglia quindi di specializzarsi o di fare di tutto un po’? Mentre quando lavoravo in azienda non c’era molta inventiva, in università mi è capitato di realizzare tanti progetti che richiedevano l’ideazione del concept stesso.
Un problema nel piazzare gli studenti oggi, sta proprio nel grado di sviluppo della loro creatività.
Guardando alla mi esperienza quindi, fare tante cose diverse è servito per stimolare la mia creatività e per permettermi di imparare.
Fermandomi ed analizzando il mio percorso ne ho però identificato il filo conduttore, che è la persona, ed ho quindi deciso di dedicarmi a quello.
Ho capito che non avrei potuto ad esempio fare marketing, because I'm interested in people and communication, not products or services business.
course, is not easy to pursue their own passions, I am speaking of talent at a time when companies close
... The trick however is to not give everything for granted. It should not be all bad.
Age gives you the ability to negotiate strong experience, the disenchantment that helps. If
in 40 years you choose something you do for passion. It 's different than young people who need to begin and do absolutely experience.
As it is now proposed to companies? If the company knows me calls me then as a possible consultant who comes in and the system. But in fact the problem of selecting the company exists today the selections are in the hands of young boys, in a context of cash positions have no idea who I am and what experiences did.
As suggested to write a CV? should be directed to the company and the industry as possible interlocutor. How
believes there is a risk of being identified with the last role? There is a risk at all. 40 years is much more difficult to understand their CV. Who is recruiting ground does not look at reality. The recommended alternative is to write several CV, with different approaches depending on the sector a change of address or objective.
you in charge of selection, how long would say that we can replace today? As an executive or say now or never. We must always adapt. In all, not only at work. A friend of the owner of a headhunting company had to shut down and went to work inventing a consultant in another town from scratch. The flexibility is what makes survival. My father worked 35 years for the same company always doing the same thing. If you reinvent
you better placed. The trick is to work hard with someone who makes you able to learn and understand what you enjoy doing.
since I believe that the geographical location accounts in relocation? certainly has a weight, but today the network, if properly used. is a single force. You can call in America at no cost, the Internet allows you to get in touch with people of potential interest which could develop projects.
Do not ever stop. A door closed it will open another, more or less difficult than it is.
Finally, what advice would you give to women over 40? Women over 40 in the leg, I would say not to lose heart, to look inside and look around and take the opportunity. It is not easy, it's a man's world. But who does not love the vellum and it has some chances in the leg. Choose a job you Like inside or outside the company and is a quality work.
We could make the club the 40-50's ugly but have the balls!
Mrs. Manetti, she is a volcano of ideas! Thank you for your testimony and we wish you all the best.