Saturday, January 29, 2011

Sour Cream Popcorn Seasoning Recipe

From Palermo with a single ticket

Alessandro compie in questi giorni un anno dal suo landing come immigrato, ecco le sue riflessioni a distanza di mesi dall'arrivo in Canada...

Consiglio di cliccare sui link mentre si legge

Un anno fa ho lasciato l’Italia ( Sicilia Bedda
Non sono partito per cercare lavoro; sono venuto a trovare giustizia e, quindi, liberta’. Conoscevo Toronto da turista e da lettore. Conosco l’Italia per averci vissuto e, soprattutto, lavorato per tanti anni. Certe cose si possono tollerare da soli, forse. Ma se si hanno figli non si puo’. E noi siamo venuti qua. E non mi dilunghero’ ulteriormente su cio’ che abbiamo lasciato, compreso il dolore di stare lontano da genitori, sorelle, parenti, amici ( The Guess Who "No Time"
Quando ci fa un cambiamento cosi’, ci si “accolla” di avere per sempre il cuore a pezzi. Si sogna, si costruisce, ci si realizza e si e’ felici; c’e’ di fondo un rumore latente che solo la bellezza di questo posto (intesa onnicomprensivamente) puo’ soffocare ( Appocundria

It 's been a year but, like all interdimensional travel, I'm here for centuries.

Gia 'from the first to arrive, I felt loved and pampered by Canada, happy and purposeful ( Hedley - Cha-Ching
). At the airport there
'written Welcome great great and I felt really welcome. Everyone smile, even the luggage and bag full of books, leaflets and publications which have made me free.
The first days were spent going around Toronto. In the first week I had already 'all documents except the health card (89mo arrived the day), I had even entered the list of residents abroad, immediately canceling my Italian home. Newcomer
I visited the many centers that, at government expense, provide assistance to newcomers: language courses and exams, information on bureaucratic duties, job search workshops. I was a teenager, without a license, no credit history, homeless, jobless, but I never felt abandoned. In fact, I immediately felt part of this nation. I watched the Olympics in Vancouver and I enjoyed the victories Canadians. I was very moved by listening to the song during the closing ceremony of the Vancouver 2010 ( National Anthem of Canada after winning During the gold medal game olympic
). Finally lived in Toronto, one of 10 cities 'most' liveable on the planet. Finding a job and
'was complicated for me, more' than I thought. Many times I have heard overqualified: the curriculum vitae (resume as they say here) must be adapted to the position for which you are applying. Do not just throw up all the paper qualifications acquired over the years. You must be summarized in two pages qualification, work-related skills, and add a cover letter. The language is different, as well as adjectives to use. However, the impact was eased by the Centers for immigrants: government provides you with many tools and information, even too many. The immigrants, the elderly and children are the groups considered most vulnerable in Canada. Some of those tools are useful: free English lessons and the recognition of qualifications, projects that help transition to apprenticeship or paid in Ufffici host companies (Career Bridge). Others too emphatic, as the job search workshops, which teach you how to get your hands and how to speak during talks lavoro.Altri completely unnecessary, as the preparation of the portfolio, chhee I've never been asked in interviews, but, on second thought , made me remember who I am and what I did when I was an adult and worker. In the meantime I tried
and found the house, welcomed with joy the container with our things Italian, bought the puppets to bed. Then I reached
Claudia and Children ( Tim Hortons Coffee Commercial - Welcome Home.
Lorenzo was added immediately, going to school after two weeks of his arrival, he learned to speak English. In the months unemployed I understand better where I was, I was so much time with children, as Claudia has started working almost immediately. It 'been nice to bike around with the puppets, go to parks and libraries (among many single moms dad). This

'the place where I was born and grow up with values I was taught at school and at home.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Mercedez Bends Topless

Financial grants for businesses in Milan by the municipality and the Chamber of Commerce of Milan

photos by tiziakaya

have been allocated grants for small and medium-sized businesses in all areas of Milan and the province to try to tackle unemployment.
There are three types of measures: Measure 1

- Recruitment unemployed workers over 45

Action: Taking permanent contract
Amount of contribution: € 12,000.00

Intervention: Taking on temporary contracts for a period not less than a year
contribution amount: € 9,000.00

Action: Taking fixed-term contract for a contract period of more than nine months and less than a year
Amount of contribution: € 6,000.00

Action: Taking contract for a fixed period less than a year
contribution amount: € 9,000.00

Action: Taking fixed-term contract for a contract period of more than nine months and less than a year
Amount of contribution: € 6,000, 00

Measure 2 - Recruitment of young graduates under 30

Action: Taking permanent contract
contribution amount: € 8,000.00

Action: Taking fixed-term contract for a period less than a year
Amount of contribution : € 5,000.00

Measure 3 - Recruitment of young people under 30 and stabilization of young people under 35

Action: Taking indefinite contract of persons aged 30 years
Amount of contribution: € 5,000.00

Intervention: Taking on temporary contracts of persons aged 30 years for a contract period not less than a year
Amount of contribution: € 3,000.00

Intervention: Transformation from fixed-term contract to contract permanent workers aged under 35 years
contribution amount: € 5,000.00

For all measures are permissible employment contracts entered into or transformation since 22/12/2010.

The companies may submit a maximum of 4 questions, choosing from one or more types of intervention measures or

Applications may be submitted from January 24, 2011 until funds are exhausted but not later than May 9, 2011.

For more information and details of beneficiaries and stakeholders in the different measures, we refer to this site

Monday, January 17, 2011

Wiffle Ball Regular Bat

Interview with Dana Frigerio: Garden Designer Como

It 's true, we're only in January, but the wish to Primavera is already feel and maybe you're thinking about what flowers or herbs to put in the balcony or, for the lucky ones in the garden.
Since last year we mentioned the figure of Garden Designers, let us now go into detail and we do tell you about our conversation with a young artist of the gardens: Dana Frigerio, classe 1970 di Como.

Ciao Dana, ci spieghi meglio in che cosa consiste il tuo lavoro?
Ciao a tutti. Sono Garden Designer, progetto cioè giardini e terrazzi. Il mio compito inizia con lo studiare la scelta delle essenze per poi procedere tenendo in considerazione vari fattori come il clima, l'esposizione solare del giardino, eventuali piante ed edifici esistenti che possono ridurre l'apporto di luce e non ultimo il tipo di terreno.
Successivamente si considerano altre variabili come le preferenze individuali del cliente, la tipologia di location (come abitazione privata o luogo pubblico) e lo stile generale che si vuole dare al progetto. Solo al termine di queste valutazioni si potrà arrivare alla scelta and continue with the arrangement of plants in looking at colors and decorative details such as flooring, furniture and other objects.

How long have you Garden Designer?
Can you give an example of a project that you created?
job since 2007 mainly as a garden designer in my hometown, Como, then to Milan. I also have several partnerships with Sardinia. My clients are varied, it is mostly private, but I also happen to work for hotels. Working with landscape (professionals who design open spaces such as parks, gardens, green areas and then follow the landscape architecture) and magazines. A special project is was such that for a patio in Berlin-Kreuzberg Levin Monsigny.

've always thought about becoming a Garden Designer, or how you came to do this work?
I fired from previous employment. The simple job dissatisfaction has given me an opportunity to change the industry. With all the necessary consequences, not everyone agreed on the fact that I change jobs.

What training do you have?
How did you do to regain your skills and reinvent it?
After receiving training in art, arts high school first and then the Brera Academy (address Designer), I worked for a while 'time in the theater world, but no particular satisfaction. Then the approach to the plant world has exploded like a bolt from the blue when traveling during a holiday in Italy I have "stumbled" on a visit to a park renaissance. Since then, some years have passed, during which, in addition to training as an autodidact I have assisted a school to give a method to my passion.

What kind of courses did you attend?
previous specific training was required?
In 2005 I started with courses at the school Minoprio Foundation, which lasted about two years.
courses are generally open to all, but there are also specialized courses: depends on the type of diploma or degree held.

View your artistic training did you find difficult?
What subjects are taught?
The subjects are varied: among others there are botany, surveying, engineering and design. The ease or difficulty depends on the initial note of each one, who like me has a path "most artistic" in the greater difficulty with issues such as topography.
I must say that though it was certainly more difficult to return to school after so many years, seeing too many young people around him ... and then the anxiety of giving the final examinations.

But it's gone okay.
Tell us a success then you remember with pleasure?
Having finished the course and graduating with honors was a great satisfaction!

We know you have a very nice blog.
Why did you decide to start a blog? How's it going?
You are the author of the blog dana-gardendesign . The reasons are many, some clearer than others. Surely I decided to open it, as well as a sense of selfish need to provide a service, to keep me updated on the latest trends in the industry (outside Italy), for comparison with other countries and landscape designers to create a personal journal that allows me to think about landscape design and my ideas.
Lately, in fact I'm having a lot of positive: my blog is visited daily by many people in both Italian and foreign.

Congratulations. Are you happy from an economic standpoint?
Starting a new business is always tricky, especially in recent years, but not impossible. We must believe it, make many sacrifices, to work steadily even in difficult times and then the results will come. Now I'm very pleased, yes. Change jobs and obtain professional recognition in such a short time makes me think that maybe I'm just going along the right path.

What advice would you give to those who are jobless and have to reinvent?
Fortunately nothing is impossible, you just have to trust yourself, choose the field of work that best represents you. Try to turn your passion into work because the personal satisfaction is a key component for success in business.

Thank you Dana for giving us this interview, congratulations and good Spring! :-)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Who Can Help Me With Wiring On My Buck Stove

Changing our lives and retire to the country? Try beekeeping.

Photos by Enrico Pascucci

E 'recent interview on a popular newspaper with two young biologists who have decided to rent a small plot of land and dedicated to the ancient art of beekeeping.

This interview is attracting attention: it is not common to think of us as citizens to reinvent themselves working in the country. For those who wish to change their lives, the idea of \u200b\u200bbeekeeping could be interesting.

Within agriculture, beekeeping is dedicated to the rearing of bees in order to use honey and hive products such as pollen, wax, royal jelly and propolis.

It is a kind of farming that requires a lot of passion because they can be organized, but not industrialized. The activity it varies depending on the species of bees, climate and level of economic development by and includes both ancient and modern methods techniques.

In Italy there are now 50 thousand and a million bee hives. This is a sector recovery, after problems such as viruses and climate change, which in recent years have weakened. It means to become beekeepers also mean environmental control, since the bees are very sensitive to the environment in which they find themselves and come in contact with all the elements around the hive, such as air, water, soil and vegetation.

At the regional level are allocated funds for the sector, such as in Umbria, where i contributi vogliono sostenere la lotta a particolari malattie, l’acquisto o il rinnovo di arnie, l’utilizzo di presidi sanitari o l’acquisto di sciami e api regine per il ripopolamento. Può essere utile quindi raccogliere maggiori informazioni in materia.

Vengono organizzati corsi in tutta Italia per diventare apicoltori, durante i quali è possibile imparare cosa rappresenta la collaborazione tra uomo e ape, le modalità che facilitano la produzione, quali sono le attrezzature necessarie, oltre a materie specifiche come

• Biologia dell’ape
• Organizzazione dell’alveare
• Conduzione dell’alveare
• Controllo della sciamatura
• Natural and artificial swarming
• Development • Department colonies swarm prior

• Varroa - Fight mite

• Enemies • Diseases of the hive bee brood and bees
• Flora. Plants suitable for collecting pollen and nectar
• Extraction, conservation and use: honey, wax, propolis, royal jelly, venom

is where you can find training courses: