photos by Marcolino
The sector's welfare and that of food have long shared the search for raw materials of natural origin, often organic, for beauty treatments and the achievement of food aromas details. An element common to both sectors are then herbs and medicinal plants, which attracted interest not only in Italy but also in European countries.
Most of the herbs that are used by Italian industries it is of foreign origin, since our local production is not sufficient to cover the needs officinale Italian.
The idea of \u200b\u200bengaging in this kind of production can be interesting both for farms of medium-large, both for those who are to have an area of \u200b\u200bfloor space. The type of product offered will be different, however, to optimize financial performance.
Looking at the range of end products derived from medicinal plants, we see that these range from beverages such as teas or infusions and syrups and liqueurs, to cosmetic products such as perfumes, creams, oils and essential oils or scented potpourri around the house. Several
specie possono permettere di realizzare aromi differenti per uno stesso prodotto se avete voglia di specializzarvi. In ogni caso bisogna scegliere quali piante coltivare e decidere a quali erbe dedicarsi sulla base di vari fattori, tra cui in primis la zona in cui ci si trova. È importante capire quali sono le varietà che crescono naturalmente, dal momento che sarà più semplice coltivarle e che si potrà puntare sulla valorizzazione del territorio. Si dovranno poi cercare di capire le tendenze del mercato, che non sono sempre facili da individuare.
Bisogna inoltre capire quanto investire e quindi come impostare questo tipo di attività. Il mercato delle erbe officinali vede player di grandi dimensioni, che sono in grado di offrire un’ampia range of high quality products. Customers typically seek in fact a remarkable level of quality at a price that must stand up to international competition. For this reason, an organization of medium-large can more easily compete and offer more products, but require more investment. Who is able to produce small quantities may not be convenient to equip themselves for the processing of herbs, but focus on the supply of fresh herbs in bulk. This will deal with the task of those who purchase order to obtain the final product.
To learn the properties of herbs and the uses that it can do, both courses are organized by associations that different agencies throughout Italy.