Mario says of Canada ...
... I'm glad you're already in Canada, and who says that the move to Canada is long and exhausting, I say "Never give up," it is really worth. For those, like us, is left to live abroad, and Italy `s is even more absurd view from outside, and, despite myself, we do not lack much. What to find out from Italy else: respect of others toward the other; civilization (meaning civil) and respect for everything that surrounds us find everything `(the director of my bank 33 years!)` Availability no ulterior motives; etc, etc, ecc.Ora like me is already happened several times, many say, but how come the `Canada is so perfect? Sara's all right? "To these I say, as you just put the lobsters in the pot on the fire, you do not realize that the water is starting to boil`, `why the temperature rises slowly, but the direction is that . I do not recommend anyone to come and live in Canada, but I am only saying that out from Italy `s world is a much, much better. Do not waste your life in a country that rewards only the caste and individualists, not stay in a country where the word of the order for the middle class (90% of the population) is: survive! If not for you, at least for your children. We Italiani siamo davvero molto ma molto piu` avanti di chiunque altro nel mondo (e da quando siamo qui, e` ancora piu` evidente) abbiamo una creativita` un gusto ed una versatilita` che non ha pari in nessun altro paese. Siamo ricchissimi di talento e di intelligenza, per cui non abbiate mai paura di confrontarvi con gli altri, perche` noi ne` usciremo sempre a testa alta. Non dimenticate mai che noi siamo, i Ferrari, i Renzo Piano, I Fuksas, i Dario Fo, gli Umberto Eco e i Franco Rosso e molti altri, e solo che per poterlo dimostrare dobbiamo fare le valigie e partire, perche` nel nostro paese non bisogna essere capaci, ma essere amici di qualcuno! Quindi se non siete amici di qualcuno....
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