In questo post vorrei trattare come argomento il mio viaggio di WHV con destinazione Toronto , dando dei consigli/opinioni a riguardo, sperando possano essere utili a chi, come me, inizierà la sua avventura Canada con un visto di vacanza/lavoro di 6 mesi. Molte delle persone con cui ho parlato e che si accingono a fare questo viaggio, non hanno ancora idea di cosa ne sarà del Canada una volta finiti i 6 mesi di permanenza o semplicemente vogliono fare un'esperienza all'estero per migliorare la lingua e arricchire il bagaglio di esperienze internazionali. Ma, qualunque sia il motivo che ti spinge a venire qui nella terra del maple syrup , anche tu dovrai fare i conti con le " regole "this country has on immigrants ... however temporary, I am of the view that as it may like snow, winter activities, get here when winter is upon us mean to deprive you of one of the seasons, summer, in which Canada is one of the most beautiful countries in the world! This season is all in bloom, all green, the grass grows lush Canadian between driveways and back yards in that find their glory thanks to the patient daily work of all lovers of gardening.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Pros And Cons Of Brazilian Waxing
In questo post vorrei trattare come argomento il mio viaggio di WHV con destinazione Toronto , dando dei consigli/opinioni a riguardo, sperando possano essere utili a chi, come me, inizierà la sua avventura Canada con un visto di vacanza/lavoro di 6 mesi. Molte delle persone con cui ho parlato e che si accingono a fare questo viaggio, non hanno ancora idea di cosa ne sarà del Canada una volta finiti i 6 mesi di permanenza o semplicemente vogliono fare un'esperienza all'estero per migliorare la lingua e arricchire il bagaglio di esperienze internazionali. Ma, qualunque sia il motivo che ti spinge a venire qui nella terra del maple syrup , anche tu dovrai fare i conti con le " regole "this country has on immigrants ... however temporary, I am of the view that as it may like snow, winter activities, get here when winter is upon us mean to deprive you of one of the seasons, summer, in which Canada is one of the most beautiful countries in the world! This season is all in bloom, all green, the grass grows lush Canadian between driveways and back yards in that find their glory thanks to the patient daily work of all lovers of gardening.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Bloating From Food Poisioning
Here I am to be a subject that is particularly " at heart": mobile phone, Pay TV and Internet provider. Of course my friend mush always tell me that I complain, but my opinion is that here the mobile does not work! E 'likely that the underlying problem is that it works very well in Italy. I suggest that you avoid like the plague rechargeable cards of any operator, are expensive, has a life of 30 days credit and international calling rates are in rush hour. Virtually a monthly bill without the benefits that would have implied a PayAsYouGo as they are called here the batteries. It is therefore inevitable
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Whats The Difference Between The Chaco Pro And
With the introduction of new rules affecting applications permanent immigration as a skilled worker, I want to upgrade the mode of payment and submission of Applications. In order to apply for immigration is necessary to pay the fees. To date, the cost of the application ( principal Applicant ) is $ 550 or € 335 to link you can have a list of all the expected costs of various services of which the CIC is concerned (the site is in Italian). As stated in the website of CIC:
- The Canadian Embassy in Rome did not accept payment by credit card.
- The Visa Section of the Embassy of Canada in Rome does not accept cash payments, except for the exact amount of payment required in Canadian dollars and if paid in person.
For resident in Italy payment may be made by bank transfer (in €) or direct deposit at a branch Banca Intesa Sanpaolo according to the following coordinates:
Name : Canadian Embassy - Visa
Bank Account Number : 100000560132
Agency 14 - Corso Trieste, Rome
ABI : 03069
CAB : 03219
IBAN: IT28 E030 6903 2191 0000 0560 132
SWIFT CODE (for transactions abroad) BCITITMM
Once you have filled all the documents, paid the required fee, the application should be sent to the following Address:
Citizenship and Immigration Canada
Federal Skilled Worker
Centralized Intake Office
PO BOX 7500
Sydney, NS
B1P 0A9
if sent by regular post, if you are using a courier, this will address:
Citizenship and Immigration Canada
Federal Skilled Worker
Centralized Intake Office
196 George Street
Sydney, NS
B1P 1J3