Sunday, May 24, 2009

Bloating From Food Poisioning

A monopoly called Rogers

Here I am to be a subject that is particularly " at heart": mobile phone, Pay TV and Internet provider. Of course my friend mush always tell me that I complain, but my opinion is that here the mobile does not work! E 'likely that the underlying problem is that it works very well in Italy. I suggest that you avoid like the plague rechargeable cards of any operator, are expensive, has a life of 30 days credit and international calling rates are in rush hour. Virtually a monthly bill without the benefits that would have implied a PayAsYouGo as they are called here the batteries. It is therefore inevitable
think immediately to make a contract with one of the few those operating in Canada, in practice they are only 2 but with different names. The market is still monopolized by Rogers and its Fido friend and everything else you say on . The contracts here are longer than the mortgage of your house and you can not withdraw, you are not selling a kidney to pay the cancellation fee . My contract is two years , I had a promotional discount, but I call gratuite dopo le 19:00 e nei week-ends ed sms illimitati . Il contratto ha un costo base di 45$ a cui vanno aggiunti 10$ se non vuoi pagare quando qualcuno ti chiama, altri 10$ se vuoi vedere il numero di chi ti chiama ed altri 5$ se vuoi: avviso di chiamata e segreteria telefonica, quest'ultima molto in voga in Nord-America. 
Meno disastroso è il discorso Internet e TV, se non in termini di soldi. Anche qui Rogers ha il monopolio. Internet è veloce, affidabile e l'attivazione è quasi immediata, almeno qui a Toronto. Di contro c'è che Rogers è famoso per generare bollette randomaticamente , so do not be surprised if the first bill is $ 500 more of what awaits you! Avg 1 Mbps you pay $ 35.99 + $ 3 month for the modem to 7 Mbps are $ 46.99 while 10Mbps are $ 59.99. The alternatives are a high speed with a local company that asks you to prepay a year and there provides a reliable line, but at very reasonable prices.
For TV I do not think there is another operator that provides this service ( cable), so there's plenty to choose from. Rogers starts with a basic plan with a series of channels to which unnecessary are 90% or teleshopping news on the latest tool that works wonders for weight loss. The monthly subscription starts at $ 29.99 up to over $ 100 based on their needs. The good thing in
tragedy of Rogers give a lot of money every month is that if, after several years of timely payments, threatened to switch carriers will offer new services and cell phones!


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