As mentioned in one of my comments and as required by the future Quebe- WHO (?) -SE ' Francis, who has repeatedly confirmed 'intention to publish a case Quebec once obtained an immigration visa, and I want to mention here gyms Toronto, hoping to be " entertainment" to those who have a tendency to sedentary (any reference to my friend mush is purely coincidental). Here in Ontario are from the great masters two big names: Extreme Fitness ( former Bally ) and Goodlife Fitness . These are two chains of gyms across Canada. Each member can (under appropriate subscription ) attend each of the many gyms in the various areas here in Toronto or even elsewhere in the country. The locations of these gyms are usually in a very central and at nearly all subway stations and shopping malls. I have visited the both, taking advantage of the weekly pass that usually provide likely future members. The interior of these gyms, at least in Toronto downtown, is just as you imagine the North American gyms. A 4-story all windows, with lots of tread-mill, ellipticals, exercise bike, stepper and so on, each positioned in front of a TV or integrated directly on the machine. The locker rooms are well equipped and are the envy of a beauty salon, we provide: shampoo, shower gel, body lotion, hair drier and hot straight out from the dryer. Everything, however, has a cost. What is immediately evident when you go to ask about a possible subscription, regardless of the gym, is the total absence of a waiver policy (except for the Goodlife Fitness that if they have a custom . ..). This means that the annual subscription is and if, during the 12 months planned, you change your mind, one feels dissatisfied with the trainers or whatever, you break a leg or, simply, one will win from sedentary , well you should still continue to pay. In case of accident can temporarily freeze subscription but NOT payments will continue monthly as expected, by credited directly to your bank account, in fact worse than a financial ! An interesting feature of these chains is that you can find of exclusive women-only . The Goodlife Fitness, to date, is the only gym I've found that allows members to cancel the subscription by paying $ 99 of criminal . One thing that left me literally speechless , a bit like when people ask me if I know the nutella is was the fact that, beyond the super structures , there really is a shortage of qualified instructors. And I do not speak of the personal-trainer that they charge their weight in gold to monitor and advise the diet. But rather instructors in the classroom that stimulates you to work without the aid of a machine. Accustomed to my aerobics classes, fitness facilities, step, after months of research I discovered that it is virtually impossible find a gym where there are all, or even in part, these activities. The only classes that are great to have: yoga, pilates and & pilates yoga. In practical lessons that aim to increase flexibility and coordination rather than tone and lose weight. For me, the last memory I have of my size 42 the sandwich Positano taken to ' Autogrill Fiumicino before coming here, these lessons should not be just. The strange thing is that here, as I also believe in the U.S., the pounding of the diets, weird gear sold teleshopping that 7 minutes a day do you have the physical Matthew Mc Connery , low food fat and tasteless, is continuous! Yet the number of overweight people is high, and I swear these palestre sono sempre pienissime sin dalle 6 del mattino !
Se un giorno deciderete di iscrivervi in una qualsiasi gym qui in Canada, che sia un grande nome o a gestione familiare, ricordate sempre di contrattare il prezzo offertovi in principio. Nella maggioranza dei casi, offrono mesi iniziali gratuiti e enrollment for free . I ragazzi che lavorano in questi centri, solitamenti sono gentili, ma non vi molleranno finchè non vi abbonate! Se provate a trovare scuse per l'assenza di cancellation policy vi suggeriranno che non ci si sposa pensando di doversi lasciare un giorno. Per fortuna hanno inventato il divorzio ...
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