Monday, October 25, 2010

Is Milena Velba Boobs Real

Two ideas dedicated to tourism

Pictures JoX1989

Have you always dreamed of working in tourism?

may turn you into online travel consultants.

The idea is to work independently from home, providing a travel booking service and advice regarding holidays and leisure activities of various kinds.

to sell travel, it is enough to have a PC with a good connection, it is not really necessary to open a travel agency. In addition, this type of work may require more or less effort depending on your needs, sales skills and organization.

This activity was organized in the form of franchising da Evolution Travel , che opera già da 10 anni e che vi segnaliamo.
Mettendo insieme diverse persone, magari abili con il pc ed appassionate di turismo, potreste anche voi, in autonomia, pensare di organizzare un network di consulenti di viaggio online.

Sempre in tema turismo, c’è invece chi ha pensato di organizzare network diversi, dedicati alla sola informazione, con l’idea di attirare sponsor sul sito web.

Elio Bonanomi ci racconta infatti di essere entrato in contatto con il fondatore di un network di agriturismi toscani chiamato Maremmaitalia . Il sito web, una pura vetrina relativa alla zona, che forniva informazioni relative a ricettività, events and shows, had been able to attract local sponsors.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe founder was then to duplicate the initiative and to give everyone the chance to manage the content of sites identical in structure and purpose, but focused on different areas of Italy. He then created a network of tourist information websites.

Bonanomi managed the area of \u200b\u200bMilan, in his own site with its content, but has not gone to the operational phase of the research sponsors. It is therefore not able to achieve economic initiative. He tells us instead that he had received several calls from people interested in booking service and tour organization.

This brings us back to the agency's speech at home. Both initiatives have positive ideas that can be developed independently and possibly combined.


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