Friday, December 10, 2010

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A new profession: the social mediator

photos by p_medved

Those who have trained in Psychology, Science Education, Science services Social, Law, Medicine, Literature and Philosophy, Sociology, or figures such as teachers or school administrators have the opportunity to specialize to become social mediators.

If the scope of the conflict does not scare you, you can learn more and receive a range of knowledge and techniques for the positive resolution of the conflict is within the family and social fronts.

There are several courses available that aim to prepare a professional able to offer its expertise in consulting activities: for example, alongside lawyers can practice their profession as a mediator in civil and commercial .

The mediator is in fact a specialized figure, which remains neutral and impartial, able to successfully manage the litigation through the most modern techniques of negotiation. Facilitates agreement between the parties directing them towards the best solution.

The social mediator can work independently or in collaboration with firms of lawyers, psychologists or the courts. The most typical contexts within which this figure might find its place are the public administration (registry, offices of public relations, employment centers, special offices for immigration), the social and health sector (hospitals , counseling, social and health information services, servizi di prevenzione e riduzione del danno); la pubblica sicurezza (uffici stranieri delle Questure, Commissariati, Centri di accoglienza temporanea); i servizi per l'integrazione (integrazione socio-culturale, mediazione abitativa, corsi per l'apprendimento della lingua, servizi per l'integrazione tra "autoctoni" e immigrati; scuola); le strutture socio-assistenziali pubbliche e private (centri di prima accoglienza, servizi di sostegno extracarcerari, istituti per minori).

Corsi di formazione specifici per la conciliazione civile, permettono invece di preparasi per collaborazioni prestigiose come quelle con il Ministero della Giustizia, le Camere di Commercio, Associazioni di categoria e Sindacati. Esistono poi Camere Reconciliation of banking or professional firms that may be interested in the figure, as well as corporations and holding companies have special departments within it.

Please note:
mediators - mediators Brokers


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