Tuesday, November 10, 2009

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The G-full Recruiters hate!

When you are looking for a job is almost impossible not to end up in some nell'imbattersi recruiter, or head-hunter. I think this group of people one of the most treacherous and deceitful I've ever known! Never say never trust what they say! For them there is only one rule: gain. My experiences with them have been negative all, months of cognitive interviews and phone calls I have not found even one that has brought me one interview with a dry customer. It must be said that an unemployed person who actively seeks work is a source of information for these people. Contact applicants with phantom job opportunities at companies, international banks, ultra-paid positions, only to ask to the candidate with whom did interviews, to get references to of Managers can contact. Some even come to invite you for an interview and ask specifically to list on a sheet of paper all the companies with which you have done interviews so as to propose potergli resources. Then of course disappear like snow in the sun you just gave them all the info looking. The bad news unfortunately is that big companies only work with these individuals and not directly with the candidates, it is hard for an immigrant who has no work experience / education / Canadian language can be called for interview without one of these hooks . Many of them may bring only 1-2 resume to the client, so they like to play winning that an immigrant lame that you do not know much about previous work experience. E 'to remember that the request is made of references ONLY in the event that the hypothetical employer is willing to do a' job and you want to check the previous work experience. So after various cognitive and technical talks are planned in the hiring process at a company. So beware of a recruiter references without even asking you doing an interview. My advice is this: do not ever too heavily on what you can say a recruiter / head hunter -based all your projects, leave for a job exclusively on interviews made directly at the 'company that interests you or contacts with any of them. They can give you the impression of believing in you as the perfect candidate they were looking for and then disappear into thin air right after! I have found that recruiters called me back to work on my CV on LinkedIn , putting them in difficult positions in the office and then suddenly disappeared without not even respond to email ! Even when you have found a customer willing to consider your application will always try to convince you to accept a price lower salary to have more chances than their competitors in the game for the same position. I'll be more of an opinion on these people: incompetent charlatans who have not even informed of what concerns your work. At this link an interesting blog about.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Tips For Dissecting Cockroach

One year from Canadian Experience Class PR

E 'already spent a whole year. Time flies and I look back remembering the days of my landing , at a distance exactly one year I redid the returning from my brief but intense holiday in Calabria. I can say with absolute certainty that this 2009 was one of the most difficult years of my life. Starting from the tears of my parents at the airport, to the stares of those who do not know me my grandchildren to the loneliness that comes over me in this cosmopolitan city. But despite everything I say with equal certainty I love Toronto! All there was: depression, dissatisfaction, joys, doubts are justified, and a component present in all those who live in my experience, in all emigrants.
What about this first year from immigrant? Well, I got a job, I rented a condo downtown, I even found a guy that I entered the house once a week to do his laundry and make use of my sofa pink! But I also lost my grandmother 95enne not be there the day of his funeral. I missed the first steps and first words of 2 players at home, I had to give up the luxury of a car but I became a zipster ! I learned to love this language and this city, I made some new friends and I found old wondering how small is the world! I looked for another job and found it so consistently. I learned how to extricate between telephony, TV, cable, credit cards, assegni a tasse da pagare.
Ho girato in lungo e largo la GTA e ho preso tanti mezzi per spostarmi da una parte all'altra che in tutta la mia vita! Ma alla fine torno a casa contenta ma anche spesso un pò triste. Ma una frase che sempre ho riportato in questo blog mi ricorda che: " feeling at home in a new country takes time ".

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Switchblade Blueprints

Per chi ha un permesso di lavoro temporaneo o per chi è studente ed ha conseguito una laurea Canadese , passare dallo stato di temporaneo a quello di residente permanente è relativamente semplice. Un applicante con queste conditions has, for the Canadian government, the knowledge society, language and labor market of the host country. It can then apply for immigration in the category Experienced Class . Candidates must have at least 2 years of work experience in Canada or a master's degree and at least one Canadian years of experience in Canada. The categories of workers allowed to this question must have a NOC categories: A, B or 0 . After all that covers most of the work planned to immigrate here in Canada. For those who wonder how temporary worker, the application will be processed based mainly on work experience and knowledge of the language, while for those student will be assessed its academic curriculum.

I steps to follow to apply essentially 4 in this regard point out the very useful guide to this CIC link.
Step 1. Documents library
Step 2. Compiling Application
Step 3. Payment Fees provided
Step 4. Sending Application
the paperwork and send to the 'Application are as follows:
1. Application for Certificate of Primary [IMM 0008 ] link to this the pdf .
2. Declaration Background (work, studies, etc. ..) [IMM 0008 SCHEDULE 1 ] link to this the pdf .
3. Certificate specific for Experienced Class [IMM 0008 SCHEDULE 8] to this link the pdf .
4. Certificate Information for the Family ( be completed even for those single application ) [ IMM 5406 ] a questo link il pdf .
5. La chekclist di tutti i documenti da consegnare [ IMM 5610 ] a questo link il pdf .

Altri documenti, non obbligatori , sono i seguenti:
- Per chi usa un avvocato ( representative ) [ IMM 5476 ] - a questo link il pdf.
Il pagamento della tassa prevista per questa classe, può essere fatto anche online , stampando il pdf che viene generato a Following the payment, and including it in the documentation to be sent to the office of the CIC closest to his residence. The
fee is provided in the following table:

For other payment methods provided by the office of Buffalo (USA) refer to this link . To pay online you can follow this direct link , I stress that the payment does NOT included online for all types of questions.
To submit the application at the Immigration Office in Buffalo, the address is:

Consulate General of Canada
Immigration Regional Program Centre
1 HSBC Center
Buffalo, New York
14203 - 2884 USA

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Build A Home Cinematic Orchestra Piano

Oakwood and his experience ...

Oggi voglio postare una email che ho ricevuto un pò di giorni fa (ovvio con l'autorizzazione dell'autore, che per motivi di privacy preferisce rimanere anonimo ). Prima che venissi qui in Canada, se avessi letto qualcosa del genere le mie opinioni a riguardo non sarebbero state " positive ", oggi la I think in a completely different way and I understand many of the words written in the email below, to emphasize that this is a ' experience and as such, I suggest accept it as a different point of view based on decisions and choices purely personal.


Cara Simona,

reading your email I understand that, in fact, we have several things in common, after following roads a little different.

I did it myself the procedure to Skilled Worker, but I came "even" with a work permit sponsored by the company that hired me at the time. My first job after graduation (or rather, I received the offer even before) in my area too. So a nice blow to sit. I believe my experience in Canada is deep enough, because I got to live in the province first, in reality a Canadian of 99%, and then move to Toronto, having a relatively comprehensive view of what is the Canadian company. In short: from the flat (for me) a small town in southern Ontario, to the exciting (again my opinion) of downtown Toronto, while maintaining the same work in the company. The work for me was the great attraction to move to Canada, and at least initially I was very pleased with the professional part. Less satisfactory was the social life of the province, based on staying at home, shoveling snow, friendships are very limited, with colleagues disquisitions on weather / hockey / basements / loans and sadness spread. This was the view that at least I did the first part of my Canadian experience.

The second part, this time in downtown Toronto, but was very different and very positive. The work was not the only thing in my life, I just did a lot of friends of all nationalities, I went out every night, I engaged in cultural activities and so on. I met a beautiful woman, who is still my companion. Even decided to buy a condo.

All this was fantastic, but over time I began to think about. Last year was decisive for me and I came to important conclusions.

First I got to thinking about my "status" in Canada. Although I had all that an immigrant can ask a host country, I did not feel even the least part of Canadian society. I created my own little world in Toronto, true, but everything in my lifestyle, then it was light years away from that of the 'Canadian' - I hope you do not get me wrong with this term. My goals were to grow professionally and temperamentally, to know people and new places, to create and maintain strong social relationships, to travel, to read, but also to have fun, take risks, to live a little 'hand to mouth. My friends - people I have so much affectionate - were anything but Canadian Europe, Asia, the Middle - Eastern, Italian and of course several "newcomers". My lifestyle was very Italian, from eating, dressing, al mio carattere, alle mie abitudini. A me francamente dell'hockey non è mai importato granché, come neanche del basket e del baseball. Ho sempre amato parlare di attualità, politica, storia, geografia, scienza, cucina, piuttosto che di linee di credito, di macchine nuove, di maltempo e di ridipingere la facciata di casa.

Come vedi cara Simona, mi sentivo un pò in un mondo tutto mio. Un pò come se fossi un eterno espatriato. Il Canada è un paese bellissimo per questo genere di cose, puoi mantenere le tue identità ed essere rispettato o anche ammirato in certi casi. Però come capisci, seemed a contradiction in this situation remain for life, in this sort of limbo characterized by not share many of these companies'. My problem of course.

Alongside this reflection may be a little complex and very personal then took over other more practical problems. I did gradually realize that Canada, from certain points of view is very little developed: health is rather backward in my opinion, much of the infrastructure - from transport to the TTC (Toronto but perhaps not those of, for example. At provincial or inter-provincial ) are not at the levels of Western countries, idem with regard to pension and other social aspects. In addition, for the first time I understood what it means to live 12 months in a row with the weather and what effect this has on people: winter 2008 (top) was one of the most cold and snowy in recent years (remember that the budget TO went to the town of red due to the expenses of snow removal), the summer was terrible (rain and storms all the time), and then winter again. Finally, the big problem: work. My ex-position, however interesting and important for my career now, had reached saturation. The pay was decent, but I would never make you jump for joy, nor support a family at acceptable levels, because volevo vivere a Toronto e non nella campagna sperduta canadese. Facevo il pendolare con la macchina, situazione non ideale dal punto di vista pratico, economico ed ecologico. Durante l'intero 2008 cominciai quindi a guardarmi intorno, sia internamente alla mia ex compagnia sia esternamente. Mi resi conto - con mia somma sorpresa - che in realtà le opportunità in Canada erano molto limitate, almeno per noi ingegneri. Nonostante i miei anni di esperienza, un Master Degree, referenze Canadesi, esperienza Canadese, un profilo professionale/inter-personale che ritengo di tutto rispetto, e centinaia di CVs inviati arrivai alla conclusione che... non c'era posto migliore di dove stavo già. Che però come ti dicevo, non era un lavoro di lusso e dove tra another found that the internal mobility was not the most exciting. I understand your frustration when you talk to me about work, I felt myself like that. Indeed I think it's normal when someone who studied, sacrificed himself and is professionally and humanly valid - in short, someone like us - has left their country to go so far .. only to discover a reality not in line with its expectations. I would add that in Canada the business aspect is very important, for better or for worse: without a decent job, you're nobody and you do not even quite a good life. Have little chance in the place where it is immigrants, despite education and qualifications, is a hard thing to swallow down. I've seen and heard sorts of things on this issue, the matter of "Canadian Experience", titles of immigrants are not recognized, the engineers paid little (speech started many times with fellow Canadian), the excuse of the economic crisis. I do not know which of these elements prevails, I think the question is simple: in Canada, alas, many areas are already saturated, especially those that require a degree of professionalism. For this is not easy to find / change jobs in their field, that's all. Sure, there are certainly more dynamic areas, like finance or marketing, but in general, my opinion does not change. One thing I noticed - and certainly have done well thou good looking you are - is that in Canada you can make some money if you're a small business yourself. In the second work, aziendina home, or putting you to do freelance. Things are a bit 'all in Canada, you see him or see him. Things, however, I have always kept away, I will not live to work like the 99% of people there. And if I can give you some advice, do not expect too much of great friendships at work, especially if your colleagues are all Chinese. For heaven's sake, I, with many of them get along, especially with Hongkongesi, but may take some time and patience and in any case make it difficult if common cause. I also do not tied to work ever so much, and I was in the company of 1000 people.

Arriving at the end of this story ... in July last year, while I was disappointed by the stagnation and work began while the first signs of crisis in Canada, I put my resume on Monster, for the first time in my life. Well from that moment I began to receive dozens of offers from European companies (UK and Germany in particular), some even from the UAE. At the end of the month I was holding an offer from a large European company, among other customer of the Canadian company where I worked. I realized that my Canadian experience was about to conclude and it was time to open new doors.

decided to leave Canada to return to Europe. Surely the emotional part has played an important role in Europe I was missing - and with it Italy, even if they are returned home. But it was above all a rational question, linked to opportunities, quality of life, the benefits and wages in my case that today's Europe has to offer. In short, all relatively simple and straightforward. Sure, some things I miss in Canada: friends (but, as such, will remain), the lifestyle of "urban" in Toronto, the beautiful house. All important things for charity, but related mostly to the side of nostalgia in me and that as you know I had to sacrifice for others, even in the perspective of a family that one day I will be here in Europe and in Canada. To date, more and more convinced of the goodness of my choice. I'm happy, the place where I am I really like, and 'exactly as it sounds. I think it unlikely I'll move again, unless unforeseen events.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Golden West Dental Scam

Video post!

place today 2 videos made his return to Toronto on Sunday afternoon, I apologize for poor image quality. We are exactly on 401 the busiest highway in North America.

Almost in Toronto:

in town:

Monday, July 27, 2009

Where To Study Rms Server

TFSA - Tax Free Saving Account

A From January 2009 , all residents of Canada, adults have the opportunity to invest their savings with a TFSA - Tax Free Saving Account . With the recent recession, the Canadian Government has implemented such a program to encourage citizens to save on favorable terms. Announced in 2008 in the federal budget, the TFSA not only provides a new way of saving tax , but also the opportunity to withdraw their funds without penalty at any time. Contributions will be allowed up to a maximum of $ 5,000 per year . Part of the contributions not paid during the year may be carried over for the next year or on a permanent basis. In addition, the Tax Free Saving Account has no limits based on income, nor are there any maximum age limits. However, a TFSA can not be assigned as a primer for children (or under 18 years of age). Not è possibile avere conti congiunti e quindi sommare il contributo annuo, ma è possibile contribuire sul conto del proprio partner, se uno dei due ha un reddito superiore a quello dell’altro. A differenza di un conto di risparmio pensato per la propria pensione, i risparmi su un TFSA non sono deducibili dalle imposte. Inoltre questo tipo di conto può essere recesso in qualsiasi momento. E’ bene sottolineare che il superamento del contributo annuo di 5000$ porterà ad una tassazione dei propri risparmi del’ 1% per ogni mese di permanenza del contributo in eccesso, sul proprio conto TFSA . Le operazioni previste su un conto TFSA sono, come si può imagine, a few. The contributions that can be paid are not paid and is allowed only one sample per month, the next will be charged. E 'can be taken until the entire balance on the account, but if you already have the number of annual deposits equal to $ 5000 no longer be paid into the account for that year, any other contribution. To explain these operations require a trivial example . For example: If you pay a contribution of $ 4,000 on your TFSA in 2009 but subsequently are taken $ 1,000 during the same year, the limits of assistance for il 2010 sarà 7,000$ . In pratica il contributo annuo massimo è di 5000$ , ma se si sono fatti in precedenza prelievi, possono essere riaccreditati sul conto TFSA nell’anno solare successivo al prelievo, senza inficiare il tetto massimo previsto per quell’anno. Uno dei motivi per cui suggerisco l’apertura di uno di questi conti ( aldilà dell’oggettiva convenienza ) è il fatto che aiuta tantissimo nel crearsi un’ottima credit history , perché una banca, anche con soli 50$ al mese che versate, considererà positivo il fatto che stiate risparmiando.

For further information you can find details on a TFSA on all sites of banks or Canadian here, or on the website of Department of Finance Canada .

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

How To Get Bearings Out Of Metalcore Wheels

Membership or marriage?

As mentioned in one of my comments and as required by the future Quebe- WHO (?) -SE ' Francis, who has repeatedly confirmed 'intention to publish a case Quebec once obtained an immigration visa, and I want to mention here gyms Toronto, hoping to be " entertainment" to those who have a tendency to sedentary (any reference to my friend mush is purely coincidental). Here in Ontario are from the great masters two big names: Extreme Fitness ( former Bally ) and Goodlife Fitness . These are two chains of gyms across Canada. Each member can (under appropriate subscription ) attend each of the many gyms in the various areas here in Toronto or even elsewhere in the country. The locations of these gyms are usually in a very central and at nearly all subway stations and shopping malls. I have visited the both, taking advantage of the weekly pass that usually provide likely future members. The interior of these gyms, at least in Toronto downtown, is just as you imagine the North American gyms. A 4-story all windows, with lots of tread-mill, ellipticals, exercise bike, stepper and so on, each positioned in front of a TV or integrated directly on the machine. The locker rooms are well equipped and are the envy of a beauty salon, we provide: shampoo, shower gel, body lotion, hair drier and hot straight out from the dryer. Everything, however, has a cost. What is immediately evident when you go to ask about a possible subscription, regardless of the gym, is the total absence of a waiver policy (except for the Goodlife Fitness that if they have a custom . ..). This means that the annual subscription is and if, during the 12 months planned, you change your mind, one feels dissatisfied with the trainers or whatever, you break a leg or, simply, one will win from sedentary , well you should still continue to pay. In case of accident can temporarily freeze subscription but NOT payments will continue monthly as expected, by credited directly to your bank account, in fact worse than a financial ! An interesting feature of these chains is that you can find of exclusive women-only . The Goodlife Fitness, to date, is the only gym I've found that allows members to cancel the subscription by paying $ 99 of criminal . One thing that left me literally speechless , a bit like when people ask me if I know the nutella is was the fact that, beyond the super structures , there really is a shortage of qualified instructors. And I do not speak of the personal-trainer that they charge their weight in gold to monitor and advise the diet. But rather instructors in the classroom that stimulates you to work without the aid of a machine. Accustomed to my aerobics classes, fitness facilities, step, after months of research I discovered that it is virtually impossible find a gym where there are all, or even in part, these activities. The only classes that are great to have: yoga, pilates and & pilates yoga. In practical lessons that aim to increase flexibility and coordination rather than tone and lose weight. For me, the last memory I have of my size 42 the sandwich Positano taken to ' Autogrill Fiumicino before coming here, these lessons should not be just. The strange thing is that here, as I also believe in the U.S., the pounding of the diets, weird gear sold teleshopping that 7 minutes a day do you have the physical Matthew Mc Connery , low food fat and tasteless, is continuous! Yet the number of overweight people is high, and I swear these palestre sono sempre pienissime sin dalle 6 del mattino !
Se un giorno deciderete di iscrivervi in una qualsiasi gym qui in Canada, che sia un grande nome o a gestione familiare, ricordate sempre di contrattare il prezzo offertovi in principio. Nella maggioranza dei casi, offrono mesi iniziali gratuiti e enrollment for free . I ragazzi che lavorano in questi centri, solitamenti sono gentili, ma non vi molleranno finchè non vi abbonate! Se provate a trovare scuse per l'assenza di cancellation policy vi suggeriranno che non ci si sposa pensando di doversi lasciare un giorno. Per fortuna hanno inventato il divorzio ...

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Tender Cervix Brfore Period

TTC - Ride the Rocket

TTC stands for Toronto Transit Commission . It 's the company that runs public transport in the city of Toronto and includes bus, metro and tram. Common to many cities in the world, in order to access the services of the TTC, there are several types of payment: single, daily, weekly and monthly. A single ride costs today: $ 2.75 and allows you to go once in the metro and one or more times on bus / street ca r . In this case there is a real ticket, but you buy a token , small as a dime about our dime, qui un'immagine. E' possibile inserire il token all'ingresso ai tornelli o in un contenitore posto di fronte l'addetto della TTC , è riconoscibile da un adesivo fares e il prezzo 2,75$. Oppure se si viaggia in superficie si entrerà nel bus/street car dalla porta anteriore e si lascerà il token nell'apposito contenitore posto vicino l'autista e della stessa forma di quelli presenti nelle metropolitane. Se si usa la metro e si prevede di prendere un bus/tram per completare il viaggio bisogna ricordarsi di ritirare il transfer alla stazione di arrivo e prima to get out of the subway turnstiles. The transfer is where a paper ticket is no evidence from which subway station is coming and the time. If you make the trip in reverse, ie bus and then metro, after rising on the bus from the front door and having deposited the token in the container, the driver will be asked to transfer paper then be able to show the turnstile in the subway entrance. If you forget the transfer before leaving the subway, well you have to pay another token to take half a surface and vice versa for the subway . All media TTC you can still pay cash for having the exact figure bus and street car and paying the cost of token the door entrance to the metro. There are other ways to travel with the means and costs of the TTC, that is, a day pass, which looks like a scratch, a weekly pass , designed more for the working people and tourists, as is always valid from Sunday to Saturday and NOT 7 days of purchase, as you might think, it is sold only on Thursday and in limited edition ! Poi c'è l'abbonamento mensile che, ad oggi, ha un costo di 109,00$ ; è opportuno ricordare che tutti i monthly pass sono deducibili dalle tasse per cui è importante conservare il pass anche dopo la sua scadenza e firmarlo sulla parte posteriore.
Un'altra informazione che voglio dare a riguardo è, credo, una singolarità non presente da noi in Italia. Visto il freddo dell'inverno, è frequente trovare molti capolinea dei bus nel sottosuolo , quasi a livello della metropolitana, uscendo così dalla metro non si dovrà salire completamente in superficie per prendere l'autobus in coincidenza. Solitamente are large platforms where several buses convey through this system does not leave the perimeter of the station so it is not even necessary to take a transfer or ask the driver inside the station because you can always change means without having to go by turnstiles or personal checks. On these platforms waiting for the bus is done by matching and in the order, once it gets on the bus or tram. Each half of the TTC has a voice that announces the next stop, and book the bus stops, in addition to the classic buttons as here, there are some yellow cords that run the windows media medium high, I dire che la prima volta che le vidi rimasi davvero incuriosita: un sistema dall'aspetto davvero arcaico per il Nord-America! Ma funziona e credo sia economico. E' buona abitudine qui salutare sempre l'autista, o semplicemente ringraziarlo con un thank you , se si scende dalla porta anteriore, non è raro che l'autista vi auguri buona giornata e vi saluti in risposta!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Pros And Cons Of Brazilian Waxing

Discover Toronto with a Working Holiday Visa

In questo post vorrei trattare come argomento il mio viaggio di WHV con destinazione Toronto , dando dei consigli/opinioni a riguardo, sperando possano essere utili a chi, come me, inizierà la sua avventura Canada con un visto di vacanza/lavoro di 6 mesi. Molte delle persone con cui ho parlato e che si accingono a fare questo viaggio, non hanno ancora idea di cosa ne sarà del Canada una volta finiti i 6 mesi di permanenza o semplicemente vogliono fare un'esperienza all'estero per migliorare la lingua e arricchire il bagaglio di esperienze internazionali. Ma, qualunque sia il motivo che ti spinge a venire qui nella terra del maple syrup , anche tu dovrai fare i conti con le " regole "this country has on immigrants ... however temporary, I am of the view that as it may like snow, winter activities, get here when winter is upon us mean to deprive you of one of the seasons, summer, in which Canada is one of the most beautiful countries in the world! This season is all in bloom, all green, the grass grows lush Canadian between driveways and back yards in that find their glory thanks to the patient daily work of all lovers of gardening.
Once scheduled departure that is not should always be among your luggage, a laptop , enough money to live six months , gloves, hat and scarf of the hottest and wind resistant you can find! I will not list what needs to be done as the first day, I refer you to this link ( in Italian) for the list, but instead I just give my view of things and Toronto. It 'easy to understand how it can be exciting to come with a work visa, in a city like Toronto: large, cosmopolitan, more North American than many other Canadian cities. The first obstacle for many people who have no relatives or friends here find homes no secret that without credit history, no job and a visa only 6 months , many landlords will stories to rent an apartment, but do not be discouraged and opt for solutions " accessible " as basement furnished or a room in the house altri ragazzi e ragazze, solitamente più facili da trovare, almeno in downtown . Dopo i vari adempimenti burocratici come SIN number , conto in banca, PayAsYouGo card per il telefonino, visite in giro per la città da veri turisti, vi chiederete se non sia il caso di cercar lavoro, se non altro per il fatto che l'ammontare dei soldi è sempre in calo. Molte delle persone con cui ho parlato o ci siamo scritti email e quant'altro, hanno desiderio di trovare subito qualche lavoretto in bar/ristoranti o supermercati, a mio avviso una cosa che in Italia avremmo volentieri evitato di fare, io per prima. Una cosa che ho scoperto qui, col tempo è che lavorare in un ristorante non è cosa facile ! In pratica anche per fare il cameriere ai tavoli c'è bisogno di molta esperienza , per cui non meravigliatevi se il ristorantino Italiano in Little Italy neanche vi richiama per dirvi " no grazie ". La spiegazione è presto detta: come in tutti i lavori, l'esperienza e references are essential obvious, but other factors also come into play. Tipping is mandatory in North America and is proportional to the income that you pay at the end of dinner, Toronto is a minimum of 15% , so if you have dinner at French restaurant in more of Toronto and the account is salty, the waiter who served you will receive a substantial tip, also doing the same job than that assumed in the fast-food the house. That's why there's a long ranks that part, since he adolescents, from fast-food large shopping center, until, after several years of experience, the restaurant in the center. The change history if you think working at a supermarket checkout, I think the easiest thing, but certainly less profitable .
Beyond all I always suggest trying to find something in your field, that is, where you feel most confident in the work. Being able to demonstrate experience, whatever it is, is the best reference you can provide.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Bloating From Food Poisioning

A monopoly called Rogers

Here I am to be a subject that is particularly " at heart": mobile phone, Pay TV and Internet provider. Of course my friend mush always tell me that I complain, but my opinion is that here the mobile does not work! E 'likely that the underlying problem is that it works very well in Italy. I suggest that you avoid like the plague rechargeable cards of any operator, are expensive, has a life of 30 days credit and international calling rates are in rush hour. Virtually a monthly bill without the benefits that would have implied a PayAsYouGo as they are called here the batteries. It is therefore inevitable
think immediately to make a contract with one of the few those operating in Canada, in practice they are only 2 but with different names. The market is still monopolized by Rogers and its Fido friend and everything else you say on . The contracts here are longer than the mortgage of your house and you can not withdraw, you are not selling a kidney to pay the cancellation fee . My contract is two years , I had a promotional discount, but I call gratuite dopo le 19:00 e nei week-ends ed sms illimitati . Il contratto ha un costo base di 45$ a cui vanno aggiunti 10$ se non vuoi pagare quando qualcuno ti chiama, altri 10$ se vuoi vedere il numero di chi ti chiama ed altri 5$ se vuoi: avviso di chiamata e segreteria telefonica, quest'ultima molto in voga in Nord-America. 
Meno disastroso è il discorso Internet e TV, se non in termini di soldi. Anche qui Rogers ha il monopolio. Internet è veloce, affidabile e l'attivazione è quasi immediata, almeno qui a Toronto. Di contro c'è che Rogers è famoso per generare bollette randomaticamente , so do not be surprised if the first bill is $ 500 more of what awaits you! Avg 1 Mbps you pay $ 35.99 + $ 3 month for the modem to 7 Mbps are $ 46.99 while 10Mbps are $ 59.99. The alternatives are a high speed with a local company that asks you to prepay a year and there provides a reliable line, but at very reasonable prices.
For TV I do not think there is another operator that provides this service ( cable), so there's plenty to choose from. Rogers starts with a basic plan with a series of channels to which unnecessary are 90% or teleshopping news on the latest tool that works wonders for weight loss. The monthly subscription starts at $ 29.99 up to over $ 100 based on their needs. The good thing in
tragedy of Rogers give a lot of money every month is that if, after several years of timely payments, threatened to switch carriers will offer new services and cell phones!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Whats The Difference Between The Chaco Pro And

With the introduction of new rules affecting applications permanent immigration as a skilled worker, I want to upgrade the mode of payment and submission of Applications. In order to apply for immigration is necessary to pay the fees. To date, the cost of the application ( principal Applicant ) is $ 550 or € 335 to link you can have a list of all the expected costs of various services of which the CIC is concerned (the site is in Italian). As stated in the website of CIC:

  • The Canadian Embassy in Rome did not accept payment by credit card.
  • The Visa Section of the Embassy of Canada in Rome does not accept cash payments, except for the exact amount of payment required in Canadian dollars and if paid in person.

For resident in Italy payment may be made by bank transfer (in €) or direct deposit at a branch Banca Intesa Sanpaolo according to the following coordinates:

Name : Canadian Embassy - Visa
Bank Account Number : 100000560132
Agency 14 - Corso Trieste, Rome
ABI : 03069
CAB : 03219
IBAN: IT28 E030 6903 2191 0000 0560 132
SWIFT CODE (for transactions abroad) BCITITMM

Once you have filled all the documents, paid the required fee, the application should be sent to the following Address:

Citizenship and Immigration Canada

Federal Skilled Worker

Centralized Intake Office

PO BOX 7500

Sydney, NS

B1P 0A9


if sent by regular post, if you are using a courier, this will address:

Citizenship and Immigration Canada

Federal Skilled Worker

Centralized Intake Office

196 George Street

Sydney, NS

B1P 1J3


For more information, visit the CIC website at this link .

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Sims Torret Says Unauthorized Ea Support

How and where the cost of living in Toronto of Canada

deal today a topic of interest for all immigrants, or even for those who decide to live here only temporarily. The cost of living in Toronto . Specific Toronto (or GTA ) because each province / city in Canada can have substantial differences.
Parties directly by giving the figures , I refer to a generic grocery shopping, I will list some between the many products you can buy, if I forget something important, I can add it later.
  • 3l Milk (in the envelope, the Economic +) --- $ 5.99
  • 2l Lactose Free Milk --- $ 5.69 --- $ 2.19 Bread
  • Where Bubble Bath --- $ 4.99
  • SILAN Mascarpone 475g (?) --- $ 9.79
  • Mascarpone 500g Galbani
  • --- $ 14.99 --- $ 6.49 Juice Orange 2l
  • a Kiwi --- $ 0.99 --- 4:39
  • White Grape
  • $ 4 --- $ 2.49 sandwiches
  • Bin cherry tomatoes
  • --- $ 3.49 --- $ 1.25 Kinder Bueno
  • 12 eggs
  • --- $ 3.49 --- $ 1.52 1 kg bananas
  • Tuna (1 scat.) --- $ 1.69
The list is based on the purchase of products at a supermarket chain large , so on average more convenient. Certainly Wal-Mart is always the best option for their purchases cheap . For those fortunate enough to have the house but ... Speaking of
general expenses, those can be highly variable, depending on how important is the choice of restaurant dine, the club where a drink or just
B ar & Grill where you can meet with friends. Here however there are many restaurants offering: All you can eat! pay a fixed fee, usually not very low, for example $ 25-30 and you eat what you want as long as the stomach will hold. I must say that in Rome, with 15-20euro you can not even pay you to dinner on the kebabbaro Laurentina. But Rome was not built in a day ...
Other major expenses that would like to list, and that could be classified as fixed costs are:
Metro Pass monthly - $ 109.00 (well in Rome is € 30 - but to compare ATAC - TTC would be depressing ...)
Token pass a Metro trip - $ 2.75
Cinema - $ 12.50
Barber / Hairdresser - $ 50 (I would say are expensive - at 90% your barber is Italian - of course, third-generation - and is not never been in Italy)

Gasoline price: between $ 0.83 - $ 0.84 a liter - and here is saying that even in Dubai the price of gasoline is so low. With the eyes of an Italian imagine The result is a figure unimaginable , if not in some political campaigns. This explains why everyone in here running SUV.
Overall the cost of living here is not excessive, the rent in a big city like Toronto, Canada's largest, are on average lower than our capital. But many other things are more expensive: car insurance ( put in mind that the car will cost more than the girlfriend ), specialist medical expenses (if you do not have insurance ), mobile ( 10 years behind Europe and dear as nothing! ), taxes, general services such as mechanical, electrical, plumbing, these groups earn more than a plastic surgeon in California.
here for the rest of the technology has some lower prices compared to the Bel Paese, computers, TV, small and large elttrodomestici are really cheap, especially compared to average wages.
The clothing can not, as is normal, be compared with our fashion, but you can choose pretty well. However it is very important to remember that everything here, from Canada to the European stuff is proudly Made in China!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Williams Jet Engines Fj44

Simon says ...

After 6 months from Permanent Resident and the previous six months of Working Holiday Visa, I have a vision, some superficial given the short residence time in this country. I can not disagree with Mario on what they say in Italy, although I still remain proud Italian . But I will not list the reasons for leaving Italy, everyone has a very different view of things, dependent on where and as lives. Canada is a wonderful country, rich in natural beauty, the people here are friendly, there is a high respect for the next. The houses are beautiful, all villas listed terraced garden with perfect and tidy. The summer you can smell the scent of barbecue and birds, of all races and colors, that hum on every corner. Ontario is full of squirrels, and it is great to see them play with a hazelnut just stolen! The roads are huge, straight and clean. The traffic is orderly, all respect the highway code. Public transport work perfectly, the metro during rush hour passes exactly every minute. The bus always passes at the same time, traffic or traffic, do not wait no more than an average of 7 minutes !
stores are large, efficient, and if you buy something and you regret giving new and I brought her back all the money, you a month of time to regret it. Gasoline costs very little, the cars are great and super -equipped accommodation at affordable prices for average salaries.
But like every coin there is another face. Well the thing that seems obvious is that: Canada is Italy . Certainly it might seem theory of the obvious, but it has a meaning this clarification. Like any immigrant who changed the country, compared with just happens daily. This is one of that all errors facciamo e che è impossibile da evitare. Il Canada è un paese freddo , ma non solo per il clima, le persone sono diverse da noi. Qui non ci sono i veri amici, puoi conoscere tanta gente, ma nessuno si fiderà mai completamente l'uno dell'altro. Le persone si conoscono all' 80% sul posto di lavoro. Le più grosse popolazioni in Canada sono cinesi ed indiane. I cinesi sono una popolazione veramente chiusa e conservatrice, stanno sempre tra di loro, sono gentili quanto basta ma il saluto al mattino non è dovuto . Anche se cerchi di socializzare con loro ti accorgi che comunque ti lasciano ad un passo perchè non appartieni alla loro cultura. Hanno i loro supermercati, le loro banche, negozi e via dicendo tutti in cinese! Io mi sono " sentita " cacciar fuori da un negozio di abbigliamento in un quartiere cinese, solo perchè caucasica. Ma alla fine ti dici che puoi vivere anche senza. 
In nord-America tutto è spinto dai soldi, senza un lavoro ed una buona carta di credito davvero sei nessuno. 
Per uno spirito avventuriero come me la cosa che più mi è pesata qui...e mi pesa ancora è l' ipotecare un anno della mia vita! Mi spiego, se vuoi fare un abbonamento o qualcosa di simile è tutto a scadenza annuale ,   not refundable . L'abbonamento del telefonino: almeno 2 anni. La TV/Internet at least 1 year. The gym at least a year, the apartment at least a year. Really if you change your mind you could be forced to pay in full all year !
Another difference is the hardest for me to " digest" the food! You can buy oregano, parsley, bread, everything that you need, but has no smell, no taste, fat and preservatives are everywhere. Fresh milk lasts at least 2 weeks! Even the Italian restaurants are not the same thing, inevitably have " Americanized" the menu to accommodate a broader clientele, it must be said that many Chinese owners have ...
In Toronto, the human relations are very rare, people do not attend, you do not cultivate friendships. I met people 25 years, born and lived here with no friends, or at 1 / 2 former university colleagues. For an Italian is really abnormal the thing, at least for me that I southern blood. E 'culture that parents, when one of their children finish the school, they expect to go away. Mom and Dad do not pay your university, here are a loan called student-loan you graduate, start working and you repay the loan that you have done for your study.
back to say that this is my superficiale visione dell'Ontario e di Toronto, ma mi son trovata concorde anche con altri italiani che, come me, hanno lasciato il belpaese per la terra dell'acero. Rimango comunque sempre dell'idea che per opportunità lavorative e stile di vita , questo è un paese ideale dove crescere i propri figli.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Where To Buy Nasal Cream

Rent a house

Dopo settimane di assenza riprendo trattando di un argomento che, nella maggior parte dei casi, interessa tutti gli immigranti in generale: l’affitto di una casa. Parto dalla distinzione tra casa, condo , basement e rental property. Those who decide to rent a house, with garden and garage, it's usually because they prefer to live in the suburbs, in a quiet residential area, very fascinating for those who love this lifestyle. The downsides are few certain: sweep the snow from the driveway (required), taking out the trash on specific days and respecting the timetable. a basement can be considered part of a house, they usually are with separate entrances and many of utilities are shared with the owners of the house, at 90%, live upstairs. There are pros and cons to living in a basement . The advantages are: reduced prices , Ability to share a garden and fresh air, and space to drive the car on the way. Disadvantages: low light, since it is a basement, large moisture species during the winter months, possible hosts " annoying." As for the condo are the maximum that the rent for an apartment can give differing obvious from building to building. Typically, a condo includes all utilities as: light (called hydro), gas, water, heating, included in the price of rent, the apartment has a full kitchen, washer, dryer, refrigerator , dishwasher and microwave. I benefits of the condo are just that: have everything included, no surprises on the bill later this month. The disadvantages are generally: higher prices and parking not included. a rental property is a kind of condominium apartment but unlike the second, there is an owner (landlord) who decides to rent it, but it is an agency that owns the building and rent several apartments annually. In a rental property is not possible to buy apartments for which, all buildings are renters (tenants). The essential difference is that the condo is not equipped with utilities, that in most cases, you can also find buildings with accessory apartments. Usually the so-called facilities are in the basement of the building, washer and dryer, then spending more each month. Many condo rental properties and many have a gym inside the building, swimming pool, sauna, squash courts or similar things, a room for parties, a recreation room with pool table, room with couches and tables for meetings, often many condo has a rooftop garden with gazebo and kind of space accessible to those who want to give a small party with barbecue attached. A building that offers all these utilities, usually located in downtown, where apartment prices have very different numbers than in the periphery. Passing all’affitto vero e proprio di una casa/appartamento c’è da dire che qui l’illegalità degli affitti a nero non esiste neanche tra gli italiani trapiantati da anni in Canada! Addirittura è possibile scaricare da qui lo statuto dell’affittuario, con diritti e doveri per entrambi le parti. Se vi accingete ad affittare un condo, dovrete rispettare alcune caratteristiche essenziali per la maggioranza dei landords : avere un lavoro, una credit history positiva , presentare delle referenze. Qualunque casa o appartamento o condo decidiate di affittare c’è una cosa che si dovrebbe sempre fare: trattare il prezzo di affitto . A meno che non the case of rental property, where prices are set by an agency for which no " negotiable." Like many things here in Canada, usually rent a house has annually, prompted the first and last month's rent, and if the tenant decided to continue staying in the apartment even after year contract expires, the landlord has an obligation to pay him interest on the deposit paid in months. When you rent a house remember to always read the lease and require the cleaning of the curtains and, if necessary. There are several sites available online where to search the house, I suggest, as always, Craigslist.