Monday, September 13, 2010

Repairing Enamel Cookware

Rent a bicycle: the pleasure of fresh air in the morning rush mentyre between green fields

I chose rent a BIKE in Sicily after seeing the beautiful pictures of landscapes of this island so varied. When you think about

Sicily you come immediately to mind beaches and, perhaps, if you're a little 'more cultured, even to think' Etna, the highest volcano ' Europe which is precisely in Sicily. Here was this giant called Mungibeddu , the union of the French word mont, mountain, and the Arabic word jibel, mountain again. Etna, therefore, is called by the Sicilians "the mountain of mountains".

I, however, I did not make the Free Cycle tour of Etna (which I plan to do next year), but the tour baroque race bike, and I enjoyed the spectacle of the summer colors of this charming part of Sicily. The photograph attached to this email shows the beautiful colors of the campaign Cassibile , the parties to Syracuse, which I took during my exit early in the morning (the long shadows on the campaign remind me of the freshness of the air being cut down quietly on board bicycles of Cycle Free beautiful ... the effect of geometric lines, drain lines).

I call a cyclist to alternanza di fasi: nel senso che per me esistono il ciclismo e il cicloturismo . Quando faccio ciclismo (in lombardia, nel territorio che conosco bene) l'obiettivo fondamentale si chiama sport. E così la soddisfazione dell'esperienza viene dal numero dei chilometri macinati e dai tempi che riesco a fare... ancora, alla mia età!

Ma quando faccio cicloturismo la soddisfazione viene dal visitare dei posti in bicicletta : la mia è una vera e propria vacanza in bicicletta immerso nel territorio e nella cultura del posto che sto visitando.

La gastronomia in these cases has an important role in determining the success of the holiday ... and I must say that I really eaten well in Ragusa and Siracusa . The typical Sicilian cuisine is a veritable treasure trove of anecdotes, delicious recipes and great ideas to get the most from the resources of the country. I asked from time to time to dear Giuseppe Montalto (owner of Cycle Free and my bicycle tour guide in Sicily ) to recommend a good restaurant in Ragusa or in Syracuse where eat well, and I say that his advice I was never disappointed.

Fresh air, pleasant climate, beautiful scenery, good local cuisine and nature trails and breathtaking ... really advise everyone to contact Free cycle to organize their cycling holiday in Sicily .

Free Cycle: cycling and bike rental in Sicily. Bicycle hire in Sicily with Cycle Free is easy and convenient!

Rent a bike in Sicily with Cycle Free! - Cycling tourism and bikes for hire in Sicily.


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