Thursday, July 29, 2010

Pain Stomach And Peeing Alot

Renting a bike in Sicily: a tour among baroque buildings and landscapes of outstanding natural beauty

Renting a bike in Sicily Cycle Free was perhaps the best experience I've ever experienced since I cycling. I decided to go to Sicily after listening to the story enthusiast di un mio amico che aveva noleggiato nel 2009 una bicicletta di Ciclo Free . Mi aveva parlato molto bene di Giuseppe Montalto (il titolare, guida cicloturistica abilitata) ma soprattutto mi aveva esortato a scegliere il tour ibleo per via dei luoghi e dei paesaggi spettacolari attraverso i quali si snoda il tracciato del tour.

E così ho fatto una visita al sito di Ciclo Free e mi sono deciso a prendere contatti per chiedere suggerimenti per l'organizzazione del mio tour.

E' stata un'esperienza molto bella, sia sotto il profilo ciclistico (biciclette comode, nuove e molto affidabili), sia sotto il profilo paesaggistico. Ho visitato parks, marine protected areas, small towns and cities as monumental Syracuse and Noto , capital of Sicilian baroque .

recommend that everyone take a bike tour in Sicily Free cycle: it's worth it.

Free Cycle: cycling in Sicily. Rent a bike or a bike city in Sicily with Cycle Free!
Cycling tourism and bikes for hire in Sicily. Rent a bike with Cycle Free and enjoy your tour!

Annie Leibovitz Is Dyslexic

Cycling in Sicily: the signs of history along the way of my bike tour

"Making del cicloturismo in Sicilia significa pedalare nella Storia ".
Quando ho chiesto a Giuseppe Montalto qualche dritta per organizzare il mio tour individuale in bicicletta per le strade della Sicilia orientale (bellissimo, lo consiglio a tutti!) è questa la prima risposta che ho avuto dalla voce simpatica e sempre cordiale di Peppe .

Soltanto che quando uno sente una frase del genere il pensiero va subito ai resti archeologici greci e romani (bellissimi anche quelli!) che tutti siamo abituati a vedere represented in postcards and brochures of travel agencies du.

I, however, cycling along the coast, dotted with beautiful beaches, which runs between Portopalo Capopassero and Syracuse, I had an encounter with a History much more recent but no less engaging. The picture you sent along with this article is a subject that I have met several times along my journey: one of the many bunkers built by the German army to defend the coast of Sicily during the years of World War II.

I've met many, some camouflaged among the rocks, others in plain sight, like this foto, disposto a presidio di un tratto di costa. Sono quasi impossibili da smantellare, mi ha spiegato la mia guida cicloturistica: ho persino visto, nella zona dell' Arenella , una villetta che ne ha incorporato uno all'interno del muro di recinzione, pur di non sostenere i costi dello smantellamento... chissà che non ci abbiano ricavato un ambiente abitabile!

Era una mattina grigia, quella in cui ho scattato questa foto (ho fatto il mio tour in bicicletta nel mese di marzo) e non ho potuto fare a meno di fermarmi a pensare. Ho fissato a lungo le feritoie intorno alla parete circolare del bunker , ed ho potuto immaginare le canne delle mitragliatrici e dei cannoni spuntare da quelle fessure. Nella mia mente le I saw them pointing to the Allied ships that stand suddenly on the horizon on the night of July 9, 1943.

Joseph had told me, but I wanted to come home substantiated in detail on those facts, to give a rational basis for the strong emotion that I felt in those places. Anyone wishing to know more, visit Wikipedia here .

The Italian Campaign began with the invasion of Sicily, among the most massive military operation that history had seen until then: Operation Husky.
To fold the fierce resistance of the German defenders were employed seven Allied divisions (three British divisions, three U.S. and Canadian) belonging to the 7th U.S. Army commanded by General Patton and the 8th British Army under General Bernard Law Montgomery, united to form the 15th Army Group, led in turn by the British General Harold Alexander. The landing (that is until today the largest amphibious operation ever in history) came along a huge stretch of the southern coast of Sicily, between Gela and Scoglitti and between tomatoes and Syracuse. To understand the scope of just think that they were involved, just over 160,000 men on the allied front.

hours must have been terrible, endless, where the deafening roar of explosions covered everything. Pure
silense in that March morning, broken only by the gentle swish of the surf light, I seemed to hear the distant echo of those screams excited, the terrifying noise of cannons, machine guns and dark rhythmic chant. How many guys have left their lives on those beaches ... how many men have died for the folly of a few powerful.

E 'was a very touching, I must say. When talking with Joseph at the end of the tour, I told you experienced this emotion, he suggested I read a good novel just written by a Sicilian author, The echo of taste , set in Sicily during those years. Well, I read it and I really liked the way the author brings to life the atmosphere of Sicily ...

To join a bike tour, individual or group, contact Free Cycle: cycling and bike rental in Sicily .

Free Cycle: cycling tourism in Sicily and bikes for rent.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

What Shows Out Of This List Do You Watch?

Cycling in Sicily: modern art among the branches of a tree. Belle images from a cycling holiday.

During my cycling holidays I always carry my camera with me. I am a cyclist experienced enough and I love to travel light, especially when pedal, but when the includes walking tours that promise spectacular landscapes such as those of Sicily I can not do without my trusty camera. I switched to digital several years now and I must say that despite my initial reluctance, I find that modern applications of digital photography is very convenient in many ways.

I rented a bike in Sicily with Free cycle. I landed at Trapani and then I did a tour in the area of \u200b\u200bindividual self western Sicily . I enjoyed the assistance and support of the bicycle tour guide Giuseppe Montalto that in those days was around from the parts of Marsala and so I sincerely thank him for all he has done for me. The

bike that was entrusted to me in perfect condition and gave me a sense of reliability. I love to ride in the coolest hours of the day and so I could capture the evocative image that I present in this short contribution to the site Free cycle. It looks like a pearl necklace extremely elaborate, and instead is a web full of droplets Dew. In the early morning light shone those beads so much that I could even hear them as I passed by the tree a good speed in which the cloth was woven by the spider. I braked and I went back to see what it was that glint that had captured my attention. And this is the image that I offer, in memory of my beautiful cycling holiday in Sicily.

Free Cycle: cycling and bike rental in Sicily

Free Cycle: cycling tourism and bikes for rent in Sicily. Rent a bike in Sicily with Free Cycle !

Baby Shower Message To My Friends

good reasons to rent a bike in Sicily: a beautiful, freshly picked lemon granita

Cycling in Sicily It was so long that I wanted to do it! In the end I decided I agreed to leave with my colleagues and, at the end of the fight, I had the dates! Then I went to the internet and I had a look operators cycling and bike rental active in Sicily. My attention is now focused on Free cycle, because of the simple and colorful style of the site and the information content that I have found. I also read the expressions of esteem granted dai clienti a Giuseppe Montalto , guida cicloturistica e titolare di Ciclo Free , e così ho provato a chiamarlo direttamente al telefono: - "Ciao Giuseppe !", istintivamente gli ho dato subito del tu, e lui mi ha trattata come se fossimo amici di lunga data! Gli ho spiegato un po' quale fosse la mia idea di vacanza in bicicletta e lui mi ha dato tutti i consigli di cui avevo bisogno per organizzarne una che rispondesse esattamente ai miei desideri. In particolare io sono un'appassionata delle buone biciclette ed è per questo che ho fatto domande specifiche sui componenti che Giuseppe usa nell'assemblare personally his bicycle. I sent page of your site that has the bicycle and gave me all the technical information that I asked. In short I have accepted his proposals and I left.

My bike tour along the coast of southeastern Sicily was beautiful. I took many pictures and many of those images will remain forever in my heart: Portopalo , the 'Island of the Currents , Vendicari , Marzamemi , Noto and so on.

But there is a stage, in particular that has caused all my sympathy. When I asked Joseph where I could taste something I really tell the identity of this area (I am a gourmand) Joseph directed me to Bed and Breakfast La Terrazza sea of Avola. "Say I sent you, and make you taste their lemon granita . I arrived at the seafront Avola only mid-morning, but I was lucky. She was, from breakfast to their guests, a bit 'of granita to hand the same day.

- "Hello, my name is Lara ... suggested I come here from you ..."

- "Please, sit down! Joseph I had mentioned that perhaps it would be gone from us. "

The Mrs. Monello immediately welcomed me with great kindness and made me sit in their breakfast room. She sat beside me and together we tasted their wonderful homemade granita with organic lemons their farm .

It was delicious! The sweet taste was not at all cloying (like the one I had tasted more industrial else ... almost a syrup) on the contrary was pleasantly harmonized with acid tones and with the aroma of lemon zest. I asked about the preparation and, once again, I have obtained information via the Internet.

- "We, like Joseph and Free cycle, we are partners in the network The echo of taste," she said. On our site you will find a whole series of photos depicting the preparation of this great step by step.

consumers what fresh granita I asked to pay, but the lady smiled at me and showed me the almost empty cup from which she had worn the same cream frozen. - "Pay? For making me company during my break? But he wants to be joking."

To make you short, I could not pay the spectacular granite. Instead, I have able to leave the shade of bicycle Cycle Free inside the courtyard of Bed and Breakfast and I went down to bathe . Pedaling in the early morning, delicious slush by mid-morning, swim in spectacular Lido di Avola and then back up to bicycle Fontane Bianche, Siracusa , for lunch ... WOW!

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reach the page with pictures of the entire sequence of the preparation of granita lemons Organic home-made according to the original Sicilian recipe.
The images are part of the photographic heritage of the Echo de taste and were taken by Emanuele Lombardo, author of this beautiful novel set in Sicily . The skilled hands that you see at work are those of the proprietor of Bed and Breakfast on the terrace sea of Avola, Syracuse .
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Rent a bike in Sicily with Free Cycle: cycling tourism and bikes for hire.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Locks With Letter Combinationa

Renting a bike in Sicily e. .. go back in time directly from the White

I've always been fond of films on ancient Sicily. And 'why, when I sapote that Free Cycle is a partner in the cultural movement of The echo of the taste I wanted to read this beautiful novel of Emanuele Lombardo set in the period of World War II.

Although the period in which this story takes place is very far from that which is set in the plot of the novel The Leopard, by Giuseppe di Lampedusa , reading it I had the feeling of finding a common color background : That of a land with a strong and unmistakable as Sicily.

This year I wanted to take this opportunity to rent a bike in Sicily with Free Cycle, which I think the most active and best organized in the field of cycling in Sicily, and I decided this time to explore the area Iblei , to which the portal sometimes referred dreamy tone. Coluto I personally go to breathe the atmosphere and see if it really worth it.

Well, I have to say yes. Among the many beautiful things I've seen ( and I've tasted! ) experience that perhaps struck me most was visiting the castle Donnafugata . Already come close to that area, surrounded by green Iblee typical campaign, is in itself an experience. But walk into the castle and visit the state rooms where the scenes were filmed by the famous film The Leopard , based on the novel , and, in the ancient silence of those rooms to imagine the actors acting in Their costumes were really something wonderful for me.

It 's a step that I recommend to all who wish to rent a bike in Sicily, whether a city bike or a racing bike . The course is suitable for both models and is quite affordable for all cyclists .

thank Giuseppe Montalto, owner of Cycle Free for his invaluable assistance during the tour (when I had a few unexpected was comforting to know they can count on him at all times) .

Free Cycle - cycling and bike hire in Sicily

Free Cycle - for hire bikes and cycling tourism in Sicily. Rent a bike in Sicily

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

How Does Viginia Get Wet

Gelsi: good reasons to rent a bike in Sicily ... Cycle with Free!

One thing I always did as a child and has remained in my memory as something magical, fabulous. Together with my father and my brother went with his grandparents in the countryside in Tuscany. They had a huge orchard, a kind of paradise of Eden, in which we move free to observe nature expressed through the ripening of fruits, through the interaction of plants with soil and animals wildlife. And there was also the time when we could freely enjoy the fruits planted by his grandfather. We collect directly from the branches of trees and will taste just as nature gave them to us. In his little grandfather was a good farmer and, in my humble opinion, was a pioneer of modern farming.

Well, this intensely flavored fruit, the color and smells strong, insightful, generous ... years had not happened to me more than enjoying them. This year I

rented a bike in Sicily with Free cycle. I made a personal tour around per le strade secondarie delle campagne della Sicilia orientale , con il prezioso supporto delle indicazioni di Giuseppe Montalto , guida cicloturistica e titolare di Ciclo Free .

Non solo mi ha consigliato strade dai quali ho potuto godere la vista di paesaggi meravigliosi , ma mi ha anche incoraggiato a fermarmi presso alcuni suoi conoscenti che vivono nella zona che avevo deciso di esplorare nel mio tour individuale in bicicletta .

Ebbene, è stato proprio incontrando una di queste gentilissime persone che ho potuto rivivere quell'esperienza favolosa di ascoltare direttamente la voce degli alberi attraverso il sapore forte e generoso dei loro frutti.

Quello che vedete nella fotografia che ho mandato è un frutto dell'albero di gelsi bianchi sotto il quale ho passato una buona mezz'ora a chiaccherare con l'anziano contadino che mi ha accolto come se mi conoscesse da una vita.

Una sosta deliziosa, per il palato e per lo spirito e poi, via, di nuovo immerso nello spettacolo dei paesaggi siciliani .

Devo davvero ringraziare Giuseppe Montalto e Ciclo Free per questa esperienza di ciclismo e di turismo territoriale davvero unica. Buona la qualità delle biciclette , per altro in ottimo stato di manutenzione, indovinatissima la scelta dei tracciati del tour attraverso la Sicilia sudorientale . Ho pedalato sempre su strade secondarie, attraverso paesaggi gradevoli e talvolta così belli da mozzare il fiato. E grazie a Giuseppe ho anche avuto la possibilità di incontrare la gente del luogo.

Scegli Ciclo Free per noleggiare una bicicletta in Sicilia e richiedi assistenza per organizzare il tuo tour in bicicletta in Sicilia .

Free Cycle : cycling and bike rental in Sicily.

Free Cycle: bicycling tourism and bikes for hire in Sicily. Rent a bike in Sicily with Free Cycle!