Thursday, March 10, 2011

How Long Till I Can Train After Knee Arthroscopy

Concert at the Teatro di basket

Tonight, after two appearances in the city fast (of the Cite and the Aurora Piazza Tasso), arrive at the Teatro Carneigra the basket for a concert March 10 at 21. Will present "Smoking in the evening," self-handling folk-rock group, confirming the Livorno of the best novelty in the songwriting. After a change of formation, the team, led by singer-founder Emily Nigi. is assessed at uniting artists from diverse backgrounds, coming from the rock and classical. Mestizo sounds, with abrupt changes of tempo and refined grafts between instruments of the folk tradition Mediterranean are the key group of artists, the chronicles tell us that home is a bit 'rickety with the right amount of irony and irreverence. Minimalist nursery rhymes, folk songs, lyrics sung softly at the sides of the road, at night, when ideas are complicated a bit '. Info and reservations 055294609

Can I Play Golf With Spondylosis

Charity Auction with trays of Mario Luca della Robbia Giusti

Always Taste also point to the charity auction of 31 trays "Della Robbia" designed by Mario Luca Giusti and revisited by artists, fashion deisgner, photographers, which will be Sunday, March 13 (Stazione Leopolda, Spazio Alcatraz) alle 18 in favore dell'associazione onlus THE HEART OF CHILDREN per la cura delle cardiopatie infantili.

Chart For Computer Memory

Chanel 2.55 - The story of a Lady

was born in Paris in February 1955 (hence its name) by the revolutionary hand of Miss Coco. Came to light in order to be loved by women "modern" that after having banished from their closets the bodices, and after discovering the elegance hidden in the folds of a suit dreamed of being able to free from bondage his own hands. Miss Coco gave them a shoulder strap, a simple chain combined with a bag in black calfskin. And the dream became reality. 2:55 As each child also bears part of the spirit and history of women who gave her life: her dark maroon interior is a tribute to the uniforms of the orphanage where Gabrielle had spent most of his childhood as well as the chain that wanted to bring to mind the key custodians of that place.
the late eighties, this young woman he met on his way to the inspiration of Mr. Karl was enriched with the double C on the closure and a strip of skin between the chain links.
Today, after blowing up cinquantesei candles, is a wonderful lady. With the passing of time has charm, character and personality. He crossed decades, has walked hundreds of catwalks, posed for countless photos, has seen the birth and death of fashions and trends, real or fake. Has adapted to the changing seasons, like any self-respecting woman, color, shape, habit. But it remains in my heart, always the same. Elegant, understated, chameleon. Perfect in every place. At all times.

Some little advice for the purchase - in case you want to search the Internet for your 2:55 is good to know that a few small "trick" to recognize a fake. The rumble of the skin should fit perfectly between di loro e devono essere in numero dispari . Ogni borsa Chanel è accompagnata da una card di autenticità (le stesse da 25 anni!!!): il numero di serie riportato su quest'ultima deve corrispondere a quello posto all'interno della borsa. La sovrapposizione delle due C nel modello Flap di Karl Lagerfeld avviene sempe nello stesso modo: nell'intersezione superiore sarà la destra a passare sopra la sinistra; in quella inferiore avverrà il contrario. Buona ricerca mie care!!!

(Font - Stockholmstreetstyle - Garance Dore)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Patrisia Navida Sinsensura

a Polaroid on the skin

Più volte sono stata sul punto di cedere all'idea e farne uno che fosse piccolo, discreto e nascosto. Un segno  nero, indelebile, sulla mia pelle chiara che parlasse di me, che raccontasse un periodo della mia vita, che mi ricordasse una persona o semplicemente un umore. Il titolo di una canzone, la battuta di un film o parole rubate dai dizionari di qualche sperduta isola nell'Oceano Indiano. Sul polso o sul piede, sul dito, lì dove trovano asilo i my thousand rings, in the corner between the back and breast, where the sun meets the hostility of the wire of the costume. Always the desire to write down fascinated me. And while it is firmly convinced that the memories do not pass through an inch of skin and although they feel that too often the line between the desire to not forget and vulgarity have been exceeded in the name of exhibitionism that I find the black line, thin, and eloquent sculpting, with tact and firmness, some bodies may be like a polaroid that speaks to us. Beautiful, romantic, lively and utterly fascinating.

(FONT - StreetFSN - Tumblr)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

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We open a shop for energy saving

photos by rotgas

We have already discussed the possibility of taking up activities in the field of clean energy and "green". The issue remains of great interest then to talk back, but this time with reference to our homes and what each of us can do to avoid wasting energy.

E 'already done the analysis of all the gestures we make every day and that might be improved with a view to saving energy. A bill, however, are the gestures - such as leaving open the tap while brushing your teeth - and many more are objects or tools that we use every day and consuming energy.

We can say that wasting energy is used more than necessary, manage the use of this resource in a non-weighted or pay a higher price than the market.

The opportunity to work that arises from these considerations, is to open a shop for energy saving. What does this mean? This is a shop specializing in energy, which offers products to help you avoid wasting energy and to combat price rises on this resource.

products that can then be sold by small size and price of items like light bulbs, tools to as premixed or chips and biomass boilers, pellet stoves, air conditioners, batteries and solar to produce electricity, heat and hot water.

Examples of objects and instruments to be proposed could be many others, also taking into account the evolving research and dedicated technologies. In addition, objects can add services and alternative energy supply contracts, making it possible to get out of the captive market. The store may in fact evolve into a real relationship advice, with the addition of design and training services to the traditional installation and maintenance. Often they are then offered new incentives to companies and families who go to such products, which can be used as leverage for marketing.

If the area you're interested in a possible way to try to run your business may be to assist shops or companies that wish to add these to their new services. Think of the companies operating in the fields of air conditioning, security, telecommunications or dell'idrotermosanitaria, they may wish to move towards eco-friendly image.

To deal with this kind of products and services, you may want to gain expertise in the energy sector, following training courses are also often organized by the same companies that produce goods business purpose.

Here is a small example of technical courses dedicated to energy:

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Fashion Icon - Taylor Tomasi Hill

She has bright red hair and an unbridled passion for the electric blue color as a blazer, or a clutch of stiletto accompanies it, faithfully, on passerelle delle città più glamour del mondo. Non può fare a meno dei tacchi di YSL  e della Chanel nera 2.55. Di un trench di Burberry e dei jeans firmati Madewell.  E' sfrontatamente camaleontica: riesce ad interpretare alla perfezione lo spirito punk impigliato tra le maglie di una collana di catene e croci, ad adattarsi all'anima radical chic di un parka verde militare, a calarsi nell'impalpabile femminilità di una camicia di seta. Collane esuberanti, labbra scarlatte ed occhiali dalla montatura vintage sono il suo segno di riconoscimento. Non disdegna le Converse ai piedi, mixare oro giallo e bianco. E in un mondo in cui le mode vengono distrutte ancor prima di venir comprese, amate ed odiate she is not afraid to live them intensely, making them his own. Like all of us wearing the same bag, day after day. Transforming it into a business card of his style and personality. And we like even more.

(Font - Garance Dorè - Jak&Jil) 

Monday, March 7, 2011

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The secret beauty of vintage & Pupa

L'uso (e l'abuso) del termine vintage è diventato una moda. Un po' come un vestito a coda di velo o come una maxi clutch da arricciare sotto il braccio alla luce di un tiepido sole di inizio febbraio. E nell'epoca dell'apparire e dell'ostentazione del marchio poter vantare nel proprio armadio un capo d'annata è un diritto that nobody wants to give up. But few know that the word derives from French vintage vendenge, in turn modellatosi term on the Latin vindemia with which it was customary to give the wines aged. Few people know that this can only be called a leader who has over twenty years. Few even know that research takes time and effort of the vintage. And a bit of courage when you fall in love with a bag in caramel-colored alligator 70s or a pair of stravissuti camperos not be afraid and do not be misled by the rules imposed from the latest issue of Vogue. The vintage is love at first sight, love at first sight that leaves you breathless on a Sunday in late February as you stroll through the narrow streets di Roma. Pochi sanno che il vintage è per tutti, anche per chi è vittima delle passerelle e delle vetrine: basta un paio di lenti oversize color cipria per sentirsi Brigitte Bardot pur calzando l'ultimo paio di Louboutin. O una cinta a vita alta rubata dall'armadio della mamma per dare il giusto tocco hippy all'ultimo vestito bianco di Zara. Pochi sanno che a Roma bisogna avventurarsi tra gli scaffali di Pifebo e tra i fumosi garage di Via del Governo Vecchio per lasciarsi avvolgere dalle note dei Beatles. Dal profumo della pelle invecchiata. E trovare un trench Burberry che sembri uscito da un film in bianco e nero. Pochi sanno che un capo vintage ha un valore inestimabile. Un valore che tiene conto degli anni passati, delle generazioni che l'hanno attraversato, of love that he lived, the endless night of which saw the dawn of the songs he heard and dreams of those who have worn that they carried out.

(Font. - Garance Doré - Jak & Jil)

Friday, March 4, 2011

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the challenge of color

Play with color. As children return to some time between the classroom, where they spent the afternoon with his hands immersed nell'astuccio in search of the pink marker. Playing with colors to remind us that the mascara is not only black but can be dyed blue, green and yellow, why not. Playing with colors so that our beauty is not only a mirror of our days spent in front of a computer, but something more, it's about us, our curiosity and our desire to experiment: the same desire that makes us women we are. Play with color without being afraid to get their hands dirty. Pencils, erasing the mistakes with a cotton swab dipped in cleanser. Coloring the white paper made available to us to take notes, our eyes and our nails. Follow your instincts and not the fashion of the moment. Breaking the mental barriers that the orange on our lips can not find home. Playing with color and space to give voice to our children and be at the same time to say, with determination and a pinch of irony, that we are not afraid of change. To dare. To leave home the black, in all its forms and di farci notare. Anche grazie al colore.

P laying with colours. Like children, back, for few hours, among school desks, when the afternoons were spent with the hands in the pencil-case looking for the pink crayon. Playing with colours to remember that mascara is not only black, but could turn blue, green and, why not?, yellow. Playing with colours in order to make our beauty-case a mirror not only of the days spent in front of the computer, but something more than that: it has to talk about us, our curiosity and our need to experiment, the will that makes us who we really are. Playing with colours without any fear of soiling the hands. Sharpening pencils, deleting mistakes with a wad dipped into cleansing cream. Coloring blank paper provided to make notes, our eyelids and our nails. Following the instinct and not the trends. Breaking the rules that say "orange is not for your lips!". Playing with colours to give voice and space to our childish part and, at the same time, to state, firmly and ironically, we are brave enough to change. To risk. To leave black at home and to distinguish ourselves. Even because of the colour.

Questa è la sfida lanciata da Pupa for next spring and summer along with other bloggers, I had the honor to know in advance, in a Tuesday in late February in Milan. Very soon all the reviews of "combat weapons." Are you ready to abandon your comforting brown matte eye shadow??

T His is the challenge put out by Pupa for the next SS collection, Which I Had the honor, with other bloggers, to see on a Tuesday of February in Milan. I'll give you as soon as possible a review of All These "weapons". Are you ready to fight Against your usual matte brown eyeshadow? ?