Tuesday, December 28, 2010

How Hard Is It For Sperm To Get Into Cervix

OSA too!

Pictures narice28

Figure OAS (Operator Social Assistance) in addition to playing an important role from a social perspective, it is still much sought after in the world of work.

OSA may have different specializations: it can devote to assistance to the elderly, children, those who have addictions, or people with disabilities.

Operator Social Assistance for Children deals with children who have learning or developmental difficulties are not serious, with behavioral or socialization, or from families with difficult or uncomfortable social situations.

The user is responsible for support of the OAS complex. Question is not only to provide physical assistance for personal care, for taking meals, accommodation and care of the environment in which we live. It does not consist solely in carrying out even basic tasks of medical care or first aid.

fill the role of OSA alongside the assisted means to enable them to socialize, to be socially integrated, not only in institutions that deal with children, but even within their own family.

OSA is able to manage the recreational and cultural activities organized by the structure in cooperation with other actors, it relates to families of patients and with social reality in which they live.

Social Care Operators dedicated to childhood may well find work in nurseries or kindergartens and primary schools, reception centers or group homes for children, community homes, foster care centers, summer camps and various municipal services for 'childhood.

Otherwise, the OAS may decide to engage in people with addictions, that they have problems with drugs, alcohol, or that they are detoxing. It is in this case of dependents because of the dependence. The tasks of the OAS will be substantially those already listed, but with a greater emphasis to activities aimed at recovery and rehabilitation.

Social Care Operators are placed in therapeutic communities, voluntary organizations and volunteer centers and outreach, as well as by hospitals and the Health Unit providing services for drug users.

addition to children and people with addictions, people who require special assistance are the disabled . With this term included both physical and mental disabilities, who require support in their daily activities, rehabilitation, as well as in moments of socialization and integration.

In this case, markets may be at CEOD (Educational Centers Day Care workers), social cooperatives or voluntary associations, rehabilitation centers or summer camps for the handicapped. In

theme tourism, there is also the figure of the 'Disabled Assistant Tourism, which has the task to accompany and support during holiday and travel people with disabilities.

This figure can not only work at hotels and campgrounds, but also cooperate with travel agencies and tour operators, working in summer camps, spas, resorts and beaches.

There are many courses that can provide all the necessary skills to fill these roles. Generally, all require a period of internship. There a few:

Institute Cortivo

Profession assistance

Social worker

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Spondylosis And Disability

Christmas is a job

photos by CAI Legnano

Christmas is without doubt one of the periods most important of the year for retailers and supermarket chains: large or small gifts, even of very different kinds, are purchased for friends and relatives in the weeks between December and January. Despite the economic crisis and the fact that many of us are eagerly awaiting the sales, the shops were fitted out for the occasion with staff dedicated. The roles that arise during these holidays are so different and suitable for different ages.

Those who are no longer so young people can apply to animate impersonating Santa Claus or the Epiphany for individual shops, department stores and shopping centers. In fact, many children love to be photographed with the stars of Christmas. Who then is

own car, in addition to dressing up and photos, can be a good idea to apply for the delivery of the gifts at home, for the happiness of all ages.

also the only delivery service, without disguise, can help stores that have to deliver baskets or special gifts and delicate. Many stores

then searched for people to help pack up when Christmas shopping or promoters who offer products of the moment.

During the holidays, then, the baby sitters or nannies can have a lot to do: allow parents to attend receptions, dinners and good-luck toast without thinking.

of you, then go on holiday in the snow? The ski resorts are a destination for many Italians are ready to take on the ski slopes during dinners and entertainers of various kinds.

Whatever your role during these holidays, we wish you a peaceful Christmas with your family and bring about positive changes in 2011 and most of all ... work!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

How Often Should Katana Be Cleaned

If you love architecture and gardening, garden designer to follow a course

Vi piacerebbe imparare come trasformare un semplice giardino in un vero e proprio spazio di design? Il Garden Designer è il professionista che progetta e costruisce uno spazio verde per creare ambientazioni su misura. Accostamenti cromatici e di materiali, composizione formale e floreale, design di oggetti ed accessori, rapporto tra pieni e vuoti sono solo alcuni degli elementi che entrano in gioco in questo mestiere davvero creativo. Creativo si, ma anche molto pratico, dal momento che necessita di una visione estetica e richiede una minima conoscenza dell’uso del personal computer.

I corsi disponibili prevedono infatti different modules that explain the botanical aspects of the subject, and then investigate aspects such as lighting, colors, or drawing of the project.

The Garden Designer will find a place in nurseries, garden, architecture, or may operate as a freelancer.

- Ipsocunsulting
- Slideshow
- courses in the city
- CSPresourcing

Friday, December 10, 2010

Cool Maths Game Cubefield

A new profession: the social mediator

photos by p_medved

Those who have trained in Psychology, Science Education, Science services Social, Law, Medicine, Literature and Philosophy, Sociology, or figures such as teachers or school administrators have the opportunity to specialize to become social mediators.

If the scope of the conflict does not scare you, you can learn more and receive a range of knowledge and techniques for the positive resolution of the conflict is within the family and social fronts.

There are several courses available that aim to prepare a professional able to offer its expertise in consulting activities: for example, alongside lawyers can practice their profession as a mediator in civil and commercial .

The mediator is in fact a specialized figure, which remains neutral and impartial, able to successfully manage the litigation through the most modern techniques of negotiation. Facilitates agreement between the parties directing them towards the best solution.

The social mediator can work independently or in collaboration with firms of lawyers, psychologists or the courts. The most typical contexts within which this figure might find its place are the public administration (registry, offices of public relations, employment centers, special offices for immigration), the social and health sector (hospitals , counseling, social and health information services, servizi di prevenzione e riduzione del danno); la pubblica sicurezza (uffici stranieri delle Questure, Commissariati, Centri di accoglienza temporanea); i servizi per l'integrazione (integrazione socio-culturale, mediazione abitativa, corsi per l'apprendimento della lingua, servizi per l'integrazione tra "autoctoni" e immigrati; scuola); le strutture socio-assistenziali pubbliche e private (centri di prima accoglienza, servizi di sostegno extracarcerari, istituti per minori).

Corsi di formazione specifici per la conciliazione civile, permettono invece di preparasi per collaborazioni prestigiose come quelle con il Ministero della Giustizia, le Camere di Commercio, Associazioni di categoria e Sindacati. Esistono poi Camere Reconciliation of banking or professional firms that may be interested in the figure, as well as corporations and holding companies have special departments within it.

Please note:
mediators - mediators Brokers

Monday, November 29, 2010

Funny Picnik Quotes For Friends

The world grows old? Assistiamolo.

For some time we talk about aging Italian population. Who, though, has really thought of revenue in this field to make it a profession? All it can undertake the work of "elderly care", without any age limit and without requiring any academic qualifications.

There are various training courses that can provide an accurate professional profile in order to present preparations are in fact known about the fundamental aspects of care of the elderly and / or sick, to follow ethical behavior and responsibility for their own role with respect to the elderly and / or sick.

It 'important to have a good understanding of issues relating to old age, not only to better interface with the patient, but also to really be able to handle the situation. We think personal hygiene, the ability to detect disease and to report all’igiene ed alla gestione della casa e delle spese, del tempo libero, piuttosto che alla più complessa assistenza ai portatori di handicap, alla capacità di adottare i comportamenti giusti in caso di emergenza.

Parte importante di questo mestiere consiste anche nello sviluppo della socializzazione dell’anziano, accompagnandolo o aiutandolo ad intrattenere contatti con il quartiere o con i centri presenti sul territorio di riferimento.

Ecco dove trovare corsi per specializzarvi in questo campo.

Monday, November 22, 2010

What Not Mix With Unisom

Give me Five Reasons ...

As I mentioned earlier today, I create a post interactive to give opportunities to all readers to list five things we lost or that we lack here in Canada and 5 instead we won . All the reasons in the world, as is natural, can never be in front of the affection of his family that exclude a priori not to trivialize these issues only in a dry list.

Each comment left with his 5 +5 will incluso nel post appena possibile.

Simona - in ordine casuale

Cosa mi manca?
1. Una macchina mia col cambio manuale.
2. Le scarpe Nero Giardini.
3. Il mare della Calabria e l'odore della salsedine.
4. I film di prima serata in TV.
5. Le merendine e i biscotti del Mulino Bianco.

Cosa ho conquistato?
1. Non aver paura della criminalità.
2. Rimborso sulle tasse.
3. A higher salary.
4. Money Back Policy .
5. The English.

6 (one is false) things I miss:
bidet, water (sometimes with the same function), with prices including taxes, GP and pediatrician, severance pay, high-level organized crime.
6 things (one is false) that I dreamed to have and I have in Canada:
elementary school to be proud of, work on the rise,
police on the street (I like the baton in the sense of authority `...), Accessibility `services, reports interpersonali rispettosi, informazione (faziosa, populista e filogovernativa), criminalita`organizzata di basso livello.

Cosa mi manca nell'immediato : il vino a buon prezzo , convengo con il prezzo finito non sai mai cosa spendi...le tax le paghiamo noi , ti faccio lo sconto del 25% , paghi te tax ma non paghi la livraison ( dicasi consegna a domicilio per gli anglofoni ) il calcio vero , cenare nei ristoranti a prezzi accessibili ed uscirne soddisfatti , il negozietto sotto casa , il tabacchino , il bar , il giornalaio , qui è tutto grande , also small. Obviously I do not quote the bidet, as banal as fundamental.
what I dreamed and I found: first of all have time to play with my kids, hiking, real people, the perception of safety, snow ... snow ... snow and snow

Francesco (Ciccio my conterroneo )
I state that I do not live in Canada yet but I know ... quite well the two worlds so I can make my list.
The 5 things I missed Italy:
1) potholes on the road as soon as it rains
2) those that you play at the traffic lights
3) those who do make the needs of the dog in the street without clean
4) Berlusconi and his thugs
5) the arrogance of the stupid and the indifference of the Italians.

The 5 things you would find in Canada: The above list

Good luck.

- architecture earlier than one hundred years ago
- The philosophical debates
cultural attractions - food and drink as
refined pleasures - the appropriate use of Italian

I won:
- a life free of stress
- a satisfactory salary
- a vision
cosmopolitan - a company responsible and efficient
- one with nature never felt before

greetings from Vancouver colder the last three years ..

This post is one of my favorites. Thanks Simon for `idea.Allora 5 things I miss:
1. my family
2. the piadina
3. hanging out with friends until 5 in the morning and dance on the beach throughout the summer
4. the sea, see the dawn from the window of the bedroom, take the sun for 6 continuous months
5. turn on scooters 365 days

5 things I've conquered
1. L `love
2. many new friends
3. the `English
4. new job opportunities
5. sleep without the fear that someone will come to steal


Here is my list: Things


1) a secure job, well paid, with many benefits even if demeaning
2) the free medicine to cure my chronic
3) the film Toto 'on Sunday afternoon and, in generlae, all Italians who dvd I have collected over the years, but if I find a universal player, this is not 'cause I have all the film Toto' here with me. So
3a) cheese eaten hot (as just done) in dairies Madonie, this brings me back to the bread with salami Cons and the Farm Siculi
4) The getaways are not binding Fransua was talking about ', to be done especially in winter months, 'cause the summer (at the behest of unquestionable Claudia) and' dedicated to the sea 7 days on 7, including afternoons lavoartivi.
5) Allow children to grandparents to go out alone with the bike, here we have family and friends but we do not think of having to use as a parking lot, except for emergencies

What I gained:

1) A peaceful life, I allows you to teach my values \u200b\u200bto my children to grow up without fear of two future defeated misfits
2) Get to work still smiling, without having a fight with the dozens of arrogance that inevitably I crossed the road
3) See the services that they use the taxes we pay
4) Discover the beauty of my fellow multiethnic, recognize the anthropological differences, discover new habits and customs, in a word around the world every day
5) A book of about 450 to about 450 which describe the attractions of Toronto GTA and Southern Ontario (Toronto Fun Places, Nathalie Prezeau, Word of Mouth Production.

I'm sure I will be reading them better than these other points.

Devo dire che ci sono molte cose che mi mancano dall'italia ma se proprio devo pensarne 5 in particolare allora devo dire:
1) Il traffico in citta' con tutti gli automobilisti pazienti ed educati.
2) Le poste e le banche, sai quando entri in fila e non sai mai quando e se esci.
3) Le ferrovie dello stato...

Be faccio sul serio adesso

4)Il profumo dei funghi in Sila
5)Il mare

Cosa ho trovato in Canada
1)Rispetto per il lavoratore, vieni always paid
2) Respect for all dogs including
3) A better understanding of other cultures and traditions
4) More money in my pocket rather than banks
5) Conquest of my personal independence.

These are just a few things as I said but the list can 'stretch a lot. MIPO
I love the country and I love Toronto. I would live well in Cosenza if indeed I do. Hello

5 things I miss :
1.ritmi of life 'lens
2.costo Life + accessible
3.l 'expressiveness' of the Italian language
4.paesaggi natural and humanized that ooze authenticity 'and assorted' historical, architectural and cultural heritage, in a few words that express an identity 'own unique

5 things I've conquered :
1.various employment status appropriate to the studies carried out with financial compensation to be considered on the same studies also suitable
2.piu 'confidence in me and in my abilities' personal (for the series' recommendations are not only')
3.possibilita 'concrete could one day have a family
4.autonomia mental and economic
5.l'assenza di Maria De Filippi con il suo programma Uomini e donne

Cosa mi manca:
* Le montagne senza fare 4000 km
* La vera pizza

Cosa ho trovato:
* Mia figlia che può giocare per strada senza avere Rambo che la controlla.
* Mia moglie che può uscire sola di notte "quasi" tranquillamente.
* Che il motto "apparire è meglio che essere" non è ancora dominante (ma ci stiamo lavorando...)

What I miss:
1) The sea and the colors Puglia.
2) The walks in the mountains (without doing thousands of miles).
3) My beloved city ': Genoa, Naples and Rome (although they are a little dirty and dangerous in the third case now with so much garbage around.)
4) The classic breakfast bar (cappuccino + croissant).
5) The affection of the people who love me in Italy.

What I found is good,
1) Respect for every human being, regardless of appearance, race, religion, sexual orientation.
2) Attention to the substance rather than form.
3) Earnings proportional to their capacity and the amount 'of work done.
4) The possibility 'of building a future that is not only for themselves as individuals but also as a family
5) In the restaurants you eat well (provided you do not do the usual comparisons between spaghetti, pizza, pummarola etc, etc. .) abbodanti portions, the waiters are polite, and does not cost a drain.

1. The Italian thick chocolate bar;
2. The sandy beaches instead of muddy;
3. Nutella in the glass jar;
4. The buzz of cicadas under the olive trees, in the hot summer afternoons;
5.La Tinsemmhal!

1. Swish on a frozen lake with two blades under my feet;
2. The poutine Québec;
3. Chip and Dale in the garden;
4. The brownies, yum yum:)
5.Il right to trample the flower beds.

What Are Different Dress Lenght

Interview Gianluca Gaiardoni

Oggi parliamo con Gianluca Gaiardoni, che ha cambiato diversi ruoli e settori.

Hello Gianluca, thanks for the time we spend.
Can you tell us how old you are and your level of education?

Hello everyone, I'm 33 years after the technical school I specialized in computer science.

We said you have different work experience and have faced difficult times as the layoffs ...

Yes, after my studies I worked in various companies and I found myself even in the difficult situation of unemployment compensation. It 'was hard. I was struggling to make ends meet.

How did you move on? What happened?

Fortunately I found a new job at the company I work for today. I've been busy, I gave up and tried careers using the most popular portals that publish research. I also used the social networking sites like Linkedin. I eventually found a job by answering an ad.

What changes did you face?

I had to change is the role that industry. I used to work in clothing, but now I work in musical instruments. Before I was a multinational, which provided assistance to 80 centers. Now I work in a smaller company and I deal with facts and statistics within the CED.

Quanto è stato difficile cambiare?

Abbastanza: bisogna prendere dimestichezza con quello che tratta l’azienda. Sono un musicista autodidatta, ma lavorare in un settore non è come essere appassionati del genere. Bisogna capire bene il business aziendale, i prodotti ed i prezzi.
Inoltre sono arrivato nel momento in cui c’è stato un cambio nei sistemi informativi aziendali, nel gestionale, quindi ho dovuto imparare ad utilizzare nuovi strumenti informatici.

Ti piace il tuo nuovo lavoro?

Il settore è interessante. Ma avrei preferito continuare con quello che facevo prima. Mi sono adattato.

In quanti settori hai lavorato?

In fact I did various things, from high school janitor to the shipper, through various corporations. The areas in which I worked were those of computer accessories, clothing and music.
It 's very important to be flexible and willing to learn and to get involved.

Many things change ... in fact, do you like?

I try to use the teachings and experience that I do in each role and in every sector. The intent of these changes, beyond the crisis situation in which I found, has always been to improve not only my financial situation, but also the environment work. For me the environment is very important, maybe more of the profits. I found myself in a situation in which the company management was not peaceful, there was a lot of tension, and soon the relationships between colleagues are tightened. This situation has forced me to look for a different job.
It was not easy making the decision to try and change. As they say "you know what to leave but not what you find." Learn how a company really only when you're inside.

Have you ever considered self-employment?

Yes, we talked about it with friends, but the end is not so easy. We had thought about taking an already started, but there is never a sufficient guarantee. Even if the task is already running, you have to work as business manager. We have always been constrained by the doubt to the longer wheelbase of the leg. Even the necessary and substantial initial investment has blocked.

What activities would you have wanted to take?

We were informed to open a computer store for assistance or for more traditional activities such as a kiosk or a toy store.

What advice would you give to job seekers, those seeking a fresh start?

of trying to adapt. I tried to do so. Not afraid to roll up their sleeves and get their hands dirty. We must seek and find. Search engines and portals that ads are useful, it must respond to job advertisements.

Gianluca thanks for this interview, that tells a positive story. We hope to continue on this path or we can change but in the direction you want.

Also you might tell your story. We look for volunteers!

Write to blog.hrservicesnet @ gmail.com

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Handbag Cakes In Chicago

Renting a bike with Cycle Free! The spectacle of cycling in Sicily

Renting a bike in Sicily : there are good reasons to do it!
We accepted the invitation of Giuseppe Montalto recently become our bicycle tour guide preferred to publish a contribution on the site www.ciclofree.it because there am pleased to witness the beauty of the experiences we have lived by the cycling in Sicily with Cycle Free !

Two of us have rented a city bike and a two race bike. All bicycles Cycle Free are assembled by hand and all the components are carefully chosen by Joseph that selects suppliers based on quality and not by price (finally someone who does really!).

Riding on these machines perfect fun bike we submitted in the heart of the charming green eastern Sicily, following the path suggested by tour baroque of Cycle Free . We crossed undulating countryside really beautiful and we stopped in villages of Sicily, which seemed more of the favors that the towns.

We also tasted the delights of typical Sicilian cuisine (particularly memorable are the specialty of rural typical gastronomy iblea ). Every time we ate at a good restaurant suggested Giuseppe Montalto e non siamo mai rimasti delusi.

Insomma, ci siamo davvero divertiti, e la nostra vacanza in bicicletta in Sicilia si può senz'altro definire ben riuscita .
Grazie Giuseppe, grazie Ciclo Free !

Ciclo Free : cicloturismo e noleggio biciclette in Sicilia

Ciclo Free : cycling tourism and bikes for hire in Sicily. rent a bike in Sicily with Ciclo Free !

Scopri i tour in bicicletta della Sicilia proposti da Ciclo Free , il principale operatore professionale di cicloturismo e di noleggio biciclette in Sicilia !
La bella fotografia presentata in questo articolo (mustata ri vinu cottu) appartiene al patrimonio fotografico de L'eco del gusto ed è stata scattata dallo scrittore siciliano Emanuele Lombardo , Author of beautiful novel The echo of taste , set in Sicily during the years of World War II.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Describe The Parts Of Car

Simona Manetti Interview: The advice of a woman over 40 super sprint

Simona Manetti was born as a degree in philosophy with the idea of \u200b\u200ba psychologist. A dream in reality not true: having to work, it ends up in a small advertising company, where he learns the job, but understand that computer skills and the demands are not for her.

After significant experience in research and selection of staff at agencies, he realizes that you can not do without first consulting having worked in the company. Then comes their experiences at major food companies, beginning at a certain time, then with a real recruitment.

discovers that even within highly competitive environments such as multi-national team you can work with in harmony with people who hold positions similar. The

are given the opportunity to develop international projects, to set up a real "corporate university" for which he began to travel throughout Europe.

step from there to the collaboration with universities was short. She worked at Bocconi, initially on a project to study a model for the orientation of university students at the time of, then for the international development of the university brand.

Eager to change course, return to the original passion, which can decline with their experience at the University Vita-Salute San Raffaele University in Milan: the model applied to education it provided that the physician should also be a psychologist, who are studied not only medicine but also psychology and philosophy.

After this important experience, decides to escape by bureaucracy and internal power struggles that hinder the initiative and to go it alone. Films it all in by hand and advice. Decided to focus on the talent and the problem of bullying.

Today we meet.

Hello Mrs. Manetti is a pleasure to talk with her, because of the time it devotes to it.
Hello and thank you!

What is working now?
continue my work as a consultant as HR manager, I appeal especially to young people and carries out research and personnel selection. In my free time I
the teacher and are fond of dogs, non-verbal communication and cross cultural management.

told us that she started her own in mid-2008.
E'soddisfatta economically?
As for all this is not a good time. Fortunately I worked so hard before, so we wonder if you really need a high income so or if we can afford to look at the quality of life, forgoing revenue to gain more health. Today
gain less, it is undeniable, but I do not need much more.
If the delta is such that the stress is too much, then you might as well change.
Working within a company from security and money, but what you asked for it?
In 46 years I could relocate to company or university, but cost much and are not "easy to manage." The head is the idea.
A 33 year old is young, it must be experienced, but when you are most adults are not sure that it's worth it.
does not make sense without being assumed that there is a real project on the person, an adequate budget to carry out projects level.
must not enter the company indefinitely. You must understand what is going to do and with whom you work.

Looking at his work, she has chosen to focus.
Consiglia quindi di specializzarsi o di fare di tutto un po’?
Mentre quando lavoravo in azienda non c’era molta inventiva, in università mi è capitato di realizzare tanti progetti che richiedevano l’ideazione del concept stesso.
Un problema nel piazzare gli studenti oggi, sta proprio nel grado di sviluppo della loro creatività.
Guardando alla mi esperienza quindi, fare tante cose diverse è servito per stimolare la mia creatività e per permettermi di imparare.
Fermandomi ed analizzando il mio percorso ne ho però identificato il filo conduttore, che è la persona, ed ho quindi deciso di dedicarmi a quello.
Ho capito che non avrei potuto ad esempio fare marketing, because I'm interested in people and communication, not products or services business.
course, is not easy to pursue their own passions, I am speaking of talent at a time when companies close
... The trick however is to not give everything for granted. It should not be all bad.
Age gives you the ability to negotiate strong experience, the disenchantment that helps. If
in 40 years you choose something you do for passion. It 's different than young people who need to begin and do absolutely experience.

As it is now proposed to companies?
If the company knows me calls me then as a possible consultant who comes in and the system. But in fact the problem of selecting the company exists today the selections are in the hands of young boys, in a context of cash positions have no idea who I am and what experiences did.

As suggested to write a CV?
should be directed to the company and the industry as possible interlocutor. How

believes there is a risk of being identified with the last role?
There is a risk at all. 40 years is much more difficult to understand their CV. Who is recruiting ground does not look at reality. The recommended alternative is to write several CV, with different approaches depending on the sector a change of address or objective.

you in charge of selection, how long would say that we can replace today?
As an executive or say now or never. We must always adapt. In all, not only at work. A friend of the owner of a headhunting company had to shut down and went to work inventing a consultant in another town from scratch. The flexibility is what makes survival. My father worked 35 years for the same company always doing the same thing. If you reinvent
you better placed. The trick is to work hard with someone who makes you able to learn and understand what you enjoy doing.

since I believe that the geographical location accounts in relocation?
certainly has a weight, but today the network, if properly used. is a single force. You can call in America at no cost, the Internet allows you to get in touch with people of potential interest which could develop projects.
Do not ever stop. A door closed it will open another, more or less difficult than it is.

Finally, what advice would you give to women over 40?
Women over 40 in the leg, I would say not to lose heart, to look inside and look around and take the opportunity. It is not easy, it's a man's world. But who does not love the vellum and it has some chances in the leg. Choose a job you Like inside or outside the company and is a quality work.
We could make the club the 40-50's ugly but have the balls!

Mrs. Manetti, she is a volcano of ideas!
Thank you for your testimony and we wish you all the best.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

New Baby Messages Twins

Brown - a year landed immigrant

Today I am publishing the words of Brown, now an integral part of this blog, which describes the sequence of emotions in his first year as immigrants. Thank you for your contribution, I wish you a prosperous and peaceful future for years to come!

My first year in Canada

On 7 November a year ago I was flying over the skies of Toronto, was expected to land at Pearson Airport. From above I saw these vast expanses of yellow, I immediately thought of the huge spaces and parks in Canada from which I had heard years before coming here.

has since gone exactly one year. As I have always said and backed by the years pass quickly emigrant. In this year many things have happened good and bad. Life as an immigrant is never easy for me has been difficult and easy as well. Firstly because I had already tried years behind what it's like starting all over again, and once I was able to integrate myself I had to leave everything and start again.

The first months were full of anger and sorrow for what I did, I was not sure of my choice and experience. Everything around me did not make sense. The only thing that gave me peace of mind was the love that I sent my Elton.

I remember one day I cried so much just because I was not ready for snow and cold. My tears were hidden become a habit.

One day, after about 3 months since my arrival, I stood up and said to myself, so I can not go forward, I really have to change that. I chose not to think of the past and have no more regrets for my decision but only to look ahead and take every opportunity I would be presented.

began to make new friends, the English class that I attended involved a lot, I started working and continues today in the same place, my prospects for the future were different when I arrived. Meanwhile, I know more about the Canadian culture and traditions of the people, manners and all that surrounds me every day.

Last summer I went back to Italy, largely to give me answers. After one and half months of vacation I realized that I missed Canada. Then I said: Bruna now know where the place where you live. We know that the house is here in Canada but Home is still the same where we were born and raised, where our patients are still alive. Some days I get angry, because in life we \u200b\u200bmust live away from our loved ones!?! But they are questions that remain unanswered.

From September I'm doing an internship in a company from the town of Toronto. I love it and I hope that everything will end well. Even though I work 16 hours a day I do not mind, I two jobs, but today they are motivated and positive about this experience.

I wanted to share with you the story of my first year in Canada to say that everything is possible in life, and just want to be optimistic.

thanks to my love and friends that I met, everything is easier now.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Time And Day Of Midnight Hot Show On Ftv

Graphology and restorer of antique children's drawings

Photo by chichi

If psychology and in particular the study of handwriting you are interested, you may decide to specialize in this field.

What the graphologist is not a job that you can improvise. In order to become professionals, it is necessary to support complex three-year study. For those who

he was in a precarious condition, we think, for example teachers, this might be an idea to make a change to their professionalism.

One of the possible paths of specialization because it relates to developmental graphology, the one that is dedicated to children and teenagers as well as the ability to understand the best direction for the school boy, contributions may be significant that the graphologist can give families boys but not only. School environment in mind, not only because more and more parents are turning to handwriting analysis to have a consultation, but also so do teachers and principals of schools.

Several professional associations of graphology are also recently been added to the list of associations of professionals without register under dlg 206/2007. It is a remarkable step forward, a high level of legitimacy posed by the emerging profession of graphologist between the European Community are party to a common set of rules on education, professional standards, professional codes of ethics and mandatory training continues.

's where to find more information on:

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Money As A Gift For A 1st Birthday Party

Cycling in Sicily: quince jam and beautiful landscapes through which to cycle Cycling

Renting a bike in Sicily and make a wonderful tour of cycling among the wheat fields and olive groves of mountain Iblei ... had been so long since I had this dream.

This year I decided: I contacted Giuseppe Montalto, the bicycle tour guide holder Cycle Free and I booked a week's full support in the area.

I did a tour in City Bike individual, self-managed, but without renouncing to Suffer Joseph on the routes to be flown on good restaurants where to eat well and on the farm in Sicily where to go to sleep . Its assistance, road and online (also available on the phone to answer all my questions) was crucial in determining the success of my cycling holidays between the country roads of Sicily.

wonderful stop in Ragusa Ibla (unforgettable in the Ortigia, Siracusa ) and a must-repeat lunch at good restaurant in Ragusa 's Tenuta Carbonara to specialties of Sicilian cuisine . In addition to the recipes I've tasted from Ragusa, I had the opportunity to buy the excellent quince jam (I did my cycling tour in October, and this is the period in which to prepare the quince Ragusa), which besides being a very good example of sweet typical cuisine iblea has proved a valuable support during the cycling energy between the fields and olive trees that I had dreamed.

only drawback: in October, the wheat fields are neither green nor gold ... but this was my fault ... I had to leave at June! Free

cycle: cycling and bike rental in Sicily

Free Cycle: cycling tourism and bikes for hire in Sicily. Rent a bike in Sicily with Free Cycle!

Wedding Night What To Talk About

Photos by Clod79

Perhaps not everyone knows that the restorers can specialize. Different objects, in fact, may need restoration: in addition to classical furniture, we think of books, paintings on canvas and wood, gilding, antique textiles and carpets, photo frames or porcelain.

Everyone knows, however, that unless you want to mess worse than the original injury, the job of the restorer is challenging, but requires technical training and methodology. A predisposition in this case, art can make a difference, but do not be discouraged, and equally we can bring to the profession without being painters or sculptors.

To become restorers it is possible to follow training courses, ranging from amateur to the more professional.

E 'is indeed good to know the basics of art history and design history. If possible, better to take lessons of teachers who belong to the world of art history, such as university professors, industry experts, researchers, specialists in antique shops, auction house experts and restorers.

You can then turn to the museums, where they organize day course aimed at presenting the different practical possibilities and the most effective scientific methods for determining the authenticity of objects and materials.

It is no easy job as it may seem at first view, but if you have a good manual and you have a passion for antiques and art, indeed you could think of engaging in this profession.

Please note some courses:

http://www . domusantiqua.eu /

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Sample Invitation Sms For Death Anniversary

A liquor license in Ontario Toronto

For some weeks this part, I decided to take another step towards the long and intricate process of integration into the Canadian community, so I decided to get a second work. This push also by the fact that many of my weekend beginning to be monotonously boring for me that I can not stand still. While continuing to remain true to my passion for my work in IT and TD I wondered what else I would be able to do. Answers: not many have come out ... but I thought that to have worked pretty much all the years of my life in business of my parents could give the to start a new parallel career. So I decided to get interested in the field of 'hospitality just when my new address is in the middle 's Entertainment District of downtown Toronto . In this regard I have been advised by my friend Gino (with whom we share the passion for the Boston Cream of Tim Horton's ) of the license dotarmi SmartService . I want to clarify here that the distribution of alcohol in Ontario is regulated at the provincial level. Only shops with brand LCBO (Liquor Control Board of Ontario ) or fired from LCBO can sell or market alcoholic beverages. Like in Italy, in Ontario need a license to serve alcohol for special occasions and permissions such as weddings, ceremonies and so on ... with several obvious differences. Today in Ontario to work in any room where alcohol is served is required possess this license will include: bartenders, waiters, bar owner, managers, bouncers, security etc etc .
Take this license is as simple as throwing down a shot of tequila. The cost is $ 40 today and there is no expiration date. Everything can be done online with a course divided into 3 sections and a final test of 25 questions . After passing the test be issued with a temporary code from print which is then replaced by the card sent directly to the address provided during registration. The course aims to make online clear all laws, obligations and duties of those who serve alcohol in Ontario. Who sells alcohol is responsible for who uses it too, in case of accidents or the like may be serious legal repercussions.
Recalling that is a criminal offense driving with a blood alcohol content in than 12:08 (80mg/100ml) could not be lacking on this blog the ubiquitous phrase: Do not Drink and Drive!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Is Milena Velba Boobs Real

Two ideas dedicated to tourism

Pictures JoX1989

Have you always dreamed of working in tourism?

may turn you into online travel consultants.

The idea is to work independently from home, providing a travel booking service and advice regarding holidays and leisure activities of various kinds.

to sell travel, it is enough to have a PC with a good connection, it is not really necessary to open a travel agency. In addition, this type of work may require more or less effort depending on your needs, sales skills and organization.

This activity was organized in the form of franchising da Evolution Travel , che opera già da 10 anni e che vi segnaliamo.
Mettendo insieme diverse persone, magari abili con il pc ed appassionate di turismo, potreste anche voi, in autonomia, pensare di organizzare un network di consulenti di viaggio online.

Sempre in tema turismo, c’è invece chi ha pensato di organizzare network diversi, dedicati alla sola informazione, con l’idea di attirare sponsor sul sito web.

Elio Bonanomi ci racconta infatti di essere entrato in contatto con il fondatore di un network di agriturismi toscani chiamato Maremmaitalia . Il sito web, una pura vetrina relativa alla zona, che forniva informazioni relative a ricettività, events and shows, had been able to attract local sponsors.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe founder was then to duplicate the initiative and to give everyone the chance to manage the content of sites identical in structure and purpose, but focused on different areas of Italy. He then created a network of tourist information websites.

Bonanomi managed the area of \u200b\u200bMilan, in his own site with its content, but has not gone to the operational phase of the research sponsors. It is therefore not able to achieve economic initiative. He tells us instead that he had received several calls from people interested in booking service and tour organization.

This brings us back to the agency's speech at home. Both initiatives have positive ideas that can be developed independently and possibly combined.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Vote Of Thanks Wedding Ceremony

Dubrovnik visit gastronomic

From Free Cycle a new cycling tour of food and wine in Sicily : The echo of taste , inspired by the beautiful novel Emanuele Lombardo

A spectacular tour of the green fields Iblei tabs, and a delightful restaurant with the good 's farm Ragusa Estate Carbonara .
Free Cycle: cycling and bike in Sicily noloeggio

Monday, October 18, 2010

Is Milena Velba Boobs Real?

Returns Home Medicines

Photo by NVinacco

Have you ever been in a situation where you need medicine for a sick relative or friend, but could not go to pick up the prescription from the doctor?

is a very simple idea, by all feasible and socially useful to provide a service of home delivery of medicines.

The service is to collect the prescription from the doctor of the sick person, picking up pharmacy medicine and then deliver them directly to your home during the hours most convenient for the patient or his family.

This service already exists, organized in the form of franchising.
The franchise includes the enrollment of subscribers to the service and provide them with additional services:

hospital care - home care
24/24 h - nursing home
- clinical analysis
house -
shuttle transport service - legal aid health
For more INFO

If you are unable to organize a franchise, perhaps you could provide only part of all of these services independently, collecting maybe the catchment area close to home.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Raise Eevee Happiness

Interview with Francesco Palmieri: I dream of a museum in a hotel

Photo by kevindooley

We talked to Francesco Palmieri, aged 47, who during his career has gone through a number of areas, starting with the hotel until they were communicated.

After studying at a vocational school, Palmieri worked in a hotel for many years, serving in various roles. He then decides to take up the books and joined the faculty of sociology in Rome. Thanks to a scholarship, which was followed two years of course dedicated to business management. Meanwhile always several different jobs including hotels and newsagents, he also manages to get an assignment to teach at several professional hotel schools, and works as a pollster for publishers, for the collection of market data.

happened that the occasion to carry out communication activities to promote individual professionals or companies. Post as promotional products and comes into contact with the field of lithography: port works of art by a professional artist on postcards, which are sold or distributed at events, public calendars, or business that will be distributed as promotional items at specific targets. He dedicated himself to the form of communication "postcard", opening a portal, through which it continues to conduct surveys via the web and collect information and data.

During this life of work more or less temporary, putting together all their experiences, Palmieri ripe idea, the hotel can be considered as a space within which to house a museum dedicated to wine, reality Local farmer and wine production.

Palmieri noted, in fact, that there are often unused space within the hotel. Many also are not profitable to the services they offer, could be more organized, to provide better services to its guests and the many tourists.

Why hotel should decide to host a museum dedicated to wine?

To attract tourists and visitors, to differentiate, to express their uniqueness and create something cultural, educational. In addition, the museum would contribute to the enhancement of typical Italian products: the museum would be possible to taste the wines and we will share the contacts to be able to later retrieve the bottles. It would pay for a ticket to enter (eg 10 €), then there would be an economic return.

market Palmeri Studies show that this idea is innovative, that no hotel in Rome is now equipped for a museum of this kind.

Palmieri then searches a location, un hotel a Roma e sponsor per fare partire l’iniziativa.

Gli auguriamo di poter trovare presto persone interessate, mentre vi segnaliamo il suo portale e la sezione dedicata al progetto .

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Painting Takeshi Kitano

good reasons to rent a bike in Sicily, stunning scenery and delicious cuisine Iblei

Beautiful scenery, country roads that wind through the fields of wheat (the Sicilian is one of the best durum wheat in Italy, and perhaps in Europe), ullivo trees, carob trees, almond trees ... and then cows to pasture, the scent of flowers, a perfect temperature and clear blue sea of \u200b\u200bbreathtaking beauty.

We did not expect that in addition to all our cycling holidays , organized with the invaluable assistance of Free cycle, could also reserve the pleasant surprise of an unforgettable local cuisine.

We did the bike tour of eastern Sicily, the Tour Ibleo, following the spectacular paths suggested by Giuseppe Montalto, our bicycle tour guide who accompanied us and assisted all the time.
city bike path for most of the time roads in low traffic, surrounded by green countryside iblea. We visited villages that looked like little jewels of baroque architecture and we breathed the fresh air and fragrant fields of iblei mountains.

At the end of the city bike tour in my wife and I, we still have two free days available, we could not resist the temptation to extend further our cycling holidays, this time in bike Running , and so we asked Giuseppe Montalto to suggest a different path again in the context of the mountains iblei (so we could stay longer in the good hotel us that Joseph had suggested).

This time we did a tour of the curves and the fields in the area of \u200b\u200bModica Giarratana and San Giacomo. E 'in this area that we had the chance to delight at the good restaurant ' s Tenuta Carbonara, a short drive from Ragusa Ibla . The lady who welcomed us in coon friendly and presented us with an extraordinarily varied and tasty menu. We were kidnapped by the taste of those dishes (unforgettable the "rabbit stimpirata") as representative of the atmosphere and tasty country-tourism resort.

A very big thanks to Giuseppe Montalto and Free cycle that has made our Tour in Sicily an unforgettable vacation.

Free Cycle: cycling and bike rental in Sicily .

Free Cycle: Cycling Tourism and bikes for hire. Rent a bike in Sicily with Free Cycle!