Friday, March 4, 2011

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the challenge of color

Play with color. As children return to some time between the classroom, where they spent the afternoon with his hands immersed nell'astuccio in search of the pink marker. Playing with colors to remind us that the mascara is not only black but can be dyed blue, green and yellow, why not. Playing with colors so that our beauty is not only a mirror of our days spent in front of a computer, but something more, it's about us, our curiosity and our desire to experiment: the same desire that makes us women we are. Play with color without being afraid to get their hands dirty. Pencils, erasing the mistakes with a cotton swab dipped in cleanser. Coloring the white paper made available to us to take notes, our eyes and our nails. Follow your instincts and not the fashion of the moment. Breaking the mental barriers that the orange on our lips can not find home. Playing with color and space to give voice to our children and be at the same time to say, with determination and a pinch of irony, that we are not afraid of change. To dare. To leave home the black, in all its forms and di farci notare. Anche grazie al colore.

P laying with colours. Like children, back, for few hours, among school desks, when the afternoons were spent with the hands in the pencil-case looking for the pink crayon. Playing with colours to remember that mascara is not only black, but could turn blue, green and, why not?, yellow. Playing with colours in order to make our beauty-case a mirror not only of the days spent in front of the computer, but something more than that: it has to talk about us, our curiosity and our need to experiment, the will that makes us who we really are. Playing with colours without any fear of soiling the hands. Sharpening pencils, deleting mistakes with a wad dipped into cleansing cream. Coloring blank paper provided to make notes, our eyelids and our nails. Following the instinct and not the trends. Breaking the rules that say "orange is not for your lips!". Playing with colours to give voice and space to our childish part and, at the same time, to state, firmly and ironically, we are brave enough to change. To risk. To leave black at home and to distinguish ourselves. Even because of the colour.

Questa รจ la sfida lanciata da Pupa for next spring and summer along with other bloggers, I had the honor to know in advance, in a Tuesday in late February in Milan. Very soon all the reviews of "combat weapons." Are you ready to abandon your comforting brown matte eye shadow??

T His is the challenge put out by Pupa for the next SS collection, Which I Had the honor, with other bloggers, to see on a Tuesday of February in Milan. I'll give you as soon as possible a review of All These "weapons". Are you ready to fight Against your usual matte brown eyeshadow? ?


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